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Jaish Al-Islam Executes a Palestinian and 4 Others in Yalda Area

Published : 05-10-2015

Jaish Al-Islam Executes a Palestinian and 4 Others in Yalda Area

After ISIS planted an explosive device at Yalda area and killed 4 of its members, Jaish Al-Islam executed the Palestinian refugee "Ahmed Abu Ammar," from the Yarmouk refugee camp and four other people on charges of carrying out assassinations and bombings in Yalda region in favor of ISIS.

It should be noted that Abu Ammar was arrested four months ago in the courthouse at Yalda on charges of belonging to ISIS.

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After ISIS planted an explosive device at Yalda area and killed 4 of its members, Jaish Al-Islam executed the Palestinian refugee "Ahmed Abu Ammar," from the Yarmouk refugee camp and four other people on charges of carrying out assassinations and bombings in Yalda region in favor of ISIS.

It should be noted that Abu Ammar was arrested four months ago in the courthouse at Yalda on charges of belonging to ISIS.

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