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Jaish Al-Islam Executes another Palestinian at Yalda on Charges of Belonging to ISIS

Published : 06-10-2015

Jaish Al-Islam Executes another Palestinian at Yalda on Charges of Belonging to ISIS

The Syrian armed opposition group 'Jaish Al- Islam' in the town of Yalda executed the Palestinian Syrian young man, "Ahmed Hossam Haniyeh" 21-year-old from the Yarmouk refugee camp, following the storming of its members to courthouse prison and taken five young men sentenced to "imprisonment" in four months for belonging to an assassinations cell belonging to ISIS, including Haniyeh.

The courthouse in southern Damascus issued a statement discharged from the charge of this crime, and demanded Jaish Al- Islam to immediately deliver all members who did this shameful act towards the courthouse prison to be held accountable according to the Courthouse statement.

This came in retaliation for ISIS against the bombing of a car for "Jaish AL- Islam" near Al Sabereen mosque in Yalda, which led to the killing of four militants from Jaish Al-Islam.

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The Syrian armed opposition group 'Jaish Al- Islam' in the town of Yalda executed the Palestinian Syrian young man, "Ahmed Hossam Haniyeh" 21-year-old from the Yarmouk refugee camp, following the storming of its members to courthouse prison and taken five young men sentenced to "imprisonment" in four months for belonging to an assassinations cell belonging to ISIS, including Haniyeh.

The courthouse in southern Damascus issued a statement discharged from the charge of this crime, and demanded Jaish Al- Islam to immediately deliver all members who did this shameful act towards the courthouse prison to be held accountable according to the Courthouse statement.

This came in retaliation for ISIS against the bombing of a car for "Jaish AL- Islam" near Al Sabereen mosque in Yalda, which led to the killing of four militants from Jaish Al-Islam.

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