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Five Refugees Died in Syria, two of them Due to Torture

Published : 07-10-2015

Five Refugees Died in Syria, two of them Due to Torture

5 Palestinian refugees died yesterday in Syria due to bombing, clashes, and torture in the Syrian prisons, where the refugee Mohammed Balawna 18 years from Khan Al Sheih camp died due to torture after being arrested for 6 days. The Refugee Amjad Abu Khalifa 22 years died in the Syrian prisons after being arrested for more than 3 years and he is from Al Barameka neighborhood in Damascus. It is referred that the number of the Palestinians of Syria who died due to torture reached 422 victims, according to AGPS. In the same context, two Palestinian refugees from Khan Danoun camp for Palestinian refugees died due to their participation in the fighting in Syria, where Ashraf Sameeh Saleh died due to participation in the fighting beside the Syrian Armyagainst the Opposition in Al Qunitera and the refugee Salman Al Shafai died due to participation in the ongoing conflict in Syria. The victims’ toll of Khan Danoun camp from the Palestinian refugees reached to 35 refugee victims since the beginning of the conflict in Syria, According to AGPS.

The Palestinian refugee Tamer Mohammed from the Yarmouk camp died due to targeting the camp with explosive barrels, AGPS documented 1229 victims from the residents of Yarmouk camp since the beginning of the ongoing events in Syria.

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5 Palestinian refugees died yesterday in Syria due to bombing, clashes, and torture in the Syrian prisons, where the refugee Mohammed Balawna 18 years from Khan Al Sheih camp died due to torture after being arrested for 6 days. The Refugee Amjad Abu Khalifa 22 years died in the Syrian prisons after being arrested for more than 3 years and he is from Al Barameka neighborhood in Damascus. It is referred that the number of the Palestinians of Syria who died due to torture reached 422 victims, according to AGPS. In the same context, two Palestinian refugees from Khan Danoun camp for Palestinian refugees died due to their participation in the fighting in Syria, where Ashraf Sameeh Saleh died due to participation in the fighting beside the Syrian Armyagainst the Opposition in Al Qunitera and the refugee Salman Al Shafai died due to participation in the ongoing conflict in Syria. The victims’ toll of Khan Danoun camp from the Palestinian refugees reached to 35 refugee victims since the beginning of the conflict in Syria, According to AGPS.

The Palestinian refugee Tamer Mohammed from the Yarmouk camp died due to targeting the camp with explosive barrels, AGPS documented 1229 victims from the residents of Yarmouk camp since the beginning of the ongoing events in Syria.

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