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Targeting Yarmouk Camp with Explosive Barrels Leads to One Victim and a Number of Wounded

Published : 07-10-2015

Targeting Yarmouk Camp with Explosive Barrels Leads to One Victim and a Number of Wounded

 The Yarmouk camp, south of the capital Damascus , witnessed yesterday evening a new series of bombing by explosive barrels in which 9 explosive barrels fall in different parts of the camp from which the Al-Yarmouk main street near Falafel Tebah; Street 15, western Yarmouk Street, causing the death of the Palestinian refugee "Tamer Mohammed" and the fall of wounded.

 The besieged Yarmouk camp is still including thousands of civilians in light of the continued siege of the Regular Army and PFGC for (827) days respectively, power outages for more than 897 days, water cut for 387 days respectively, and the continuous control of ISIS and Al-Nasrah front for about 70% of the camp.

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 The Yarmouk camp, south of the capital Damascus , witnessed yesterday evening a new series of bombing by explosive barrels in which 9 explosive barrels fall in different parts of the camp from which the Al-Yarmouk main street near Falafel Tebah; Street 15, western Yarmouk Street, causing the death of the Palestinian refugee "Tamer Mohammed" and the fall of wounded.

 The besieged Yarmouk camp is still including thousands of civilians in light of the continued siege of the Regular Army and PFGC for (827) days respectively, power outages for more than 897 days, water cut for 387 days respectively, and the continuous control of ISIS and Al-Nasrah front for about 70% of the camp.

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