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Hamas Denies the Accusations of Interfering in Syrian Affairs and Emphasizes that the Only Battle with the Occupation

Published : 08-10-2015

Hamas Denies the Accusations of Interfering in Syrian Affairs and Emphasizes that the Only Battle with the Occupation

Hamas movement issued a press release in which it denied the charges of interfere in  the internal affairs of Syria, where the charges came after Syria TV broadcasted an interview on Friday 2/10/2015 with the leader of Aknaf "Mamoun Galoda Abu Jaafar".

Mr. Abu Jaafar was recently arrested at Beit Sahem-Yalda checkpoint by members of the Syrian regime, which he confessed to having links with Hamas.

In turn, Hamas stressed in its statement, which the AGPS received a copy of it, on its firm position not to interfere in the internal affairs of any country, including Syria, and reiterated that it has nothing to do with the so-called (Aknaf),

Hamas has previously confirmed and informed the various relevant parties, and the statement noted that the movement has no battle in Syria, or any other country, and that its battle is only against the occupation.  The objective of Hamas was and still to liberate the land of Palestine and the achievement of freedom and return for the Palestinian people, and establish their independent state on the entire National territory and Jerusalem as its capital.

Hamas considered that confessions and statements made by Galoda had been extracted under pressure and torture.

In the end of the statement Hamas called all concerned parties inside Syria to neutralize the Palestinian refugee camps, particularly the Yarmouk refugee camp of current events, wishing for Syria and its Arab inherent people security, tranquility, and stability.

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Hamas movement issued a press release in which it denied the charges of interfere in  the internal affairs of Syria, where the charges came after Syria TV broadcasted an interview on Friday 2/10/2015 with the leader of Aknaf "Mamoun Galoda Abu Jaafar".

Mr. Abu Jaafar was recently arrested at Beit Sahem-Yalda checkpoint by members of the Syrian regime, which he confessed to having links with Hamas.

In turn, Hamas stressed in its statement, which the AGPS received a copy of it, on its firm position not to interfere in the internal affairs of any country, including Syria, and reiterated that it has nothing to do with the so-called (Aknaf),

Hamas has previously confirmed and informed the various relevant parties, and the statement noted that the movement has no battle in Syria, or any other country, and that its battle is only against the occupation.  The objective of Hamas was and still to liberate the land of Palestine and the achievement of freedom and return for the Palestinian people, and establish their independent state on the entire National territory and Jerusalem as its capital.

Hamas considered that confessions and statements made by Galoda had been extracted under pressure and torture.

In the end of the statement Hamas called all concerned parties inside Syria to neutralize the Palestinian refugee camps, particularly the Yarmouk refugee camp of current events, wishing for Syria and its Arab inherent people security, tranquility, and stability.

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