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Three Palestinian Victims Die in Syria

Published : 08-10-2015

Three Palestinian Victims Die in Syria

Three Palestinian victims died yesterday due to the ongoing conflict in Syria; they are:

The Palestinian refugee ''Said Shuraitah" from the Yarmouk camp, died due to a sniper shot while he was in Palestine Street.

Each of "Raed Yousef" and "Alaa Asaad" Palestinian refugees died during participation fighting alongside the Syrian army and security forces. They are from Jaramana camp in Damascus suburb.

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Three Palestinian victims died yesterday due to the ongoing conflict in Syria; they are:

The Palestinian refugee ''Said Shuraitah" from the Yarmouk camp, died due to a sniper shot while he was in Palestine Street.

Each of "Raed Yousef" and "Alaa Asaad" Palestinian refugees died during participation fighting alongside the Syrian army and security forces. They are from Jaramana camp in Damascus suburb.

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