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Campaign to Remove the Rubble and Debris in the Yarmouk Refugee Camp

Published : 08-10-2015

Campaign to Remove the Rubble and Debris in the Yarmouk Refugee Camp

A state of cautious calm prevailed Yarmouk south of Damascus yesterday after being targeted with 9 explosive barrels, which led to the death of one victim and a number of wounded, and caused significant damage to homes and streets.

The Palestinian refugee '' Said Shuraitah" died by a sniper shot while he was in Palestine Street.

 Meanwhile, residents and relief bodies remaining in the camp removed the rubble and debris caused by the bombing of the camp.

 The regular army and PFGC groups are still imposing siege on the camp for 828days respectively, while power cut for more than 898 days and water for 388 days, in addition to ISIS and Nusra control over approximately 70% of the camp.

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A state of cautious calm prevailed Yarmouk south of Damascus yesterday after being targeted with 9 explosive barrels, which led to the death of one victim and a number of wounded, and caused significant damage to homes and streets.

The Palestinian refugee '' Said Shuraitah" died by a sniper shot while he was in Palestine Street.

 Meanwhile, residents and relief bodies remaining in the camp removed the rubble and debris caused by the bombing of the camp.

 The regular army and PFGC groups are still imposing siege on the camp for 828days respectively, while power cut for more than 898 days and water for 388 days, in addition to ISIS and Nusra control over approximately 70% of the camp.

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