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Groups Affiliated to the Regime Fighting at Nairab as a Result of Disagreement on Sharing Royalties

Published : 09-10-2015

Groups Affiliated to the Regime Fighting at Nairab as a Result of Disagreement on Sharing Royalties

In Aleppo, the so-called pro-Syrian regime group "Mohammed Rafi" at Nairab camp attacked on the pro-Syrian Regime group" Adnan Asayed".

According to activists, the problem caused by a dispute between the two groups on the bribes paid to them in order to allow and delivery of all those who wish to immigrate outside the camp and access to Turkey, for the fact that the Syrian security prohibited Palestinians travel to the north of Syria and then to Turkey.

It is worth mentioning that the entrance of the camp is controlled by the pro-Syrian regime groups that are competing about bribes to facilitate the travel of refugees from the camp, according to what was confirmed by a Palestinian refugee from Yarmouk to the AGPS.

The refugee stated that, "when he entered the camp and crossed a checkpoint of Mohammed Rafi group, the checkpoint members seized his ID and family papers.

He asked them about seizing his papers and they answered that, "in order to return and go out through us and we deliver you to Turkey and pay us money, and in order not to go to other smugglers because we know that you are in travel to Turkey." He came back and took his papers and pay them for each member of his family 150,000 Syrian pounds ensured him access to the armed opposition controlled areas in northern Syria and then Turkey.

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In Aleppo, the so-called pro-Syrian regime group "Mohammed Rafi" at Nairab camp attacked on the pro-Syrian Regime group" Adnan Asayed".

According to activists, the problem caused by a dispute between the two groups on the bribes paid to them in order to allow and delivery of all those who wish to immigrate outside the camp and access to Turkey, for the fact that the Syrian security prohibited Palestinians travel to the north of Syria and then to Turkey.

It is worth mentioning that the entrance of the camp is controlled by the pro-Syrian regime groups that are competing about bribes to facilitate the travel of refugees from the camp, according to what was confirmed by a Palestinian refugee from Yarmouk to the AGPS.

The refugee stated that, "when he entered the camp and crossed a checkpoint of Mohammed Rafi group, the checkpoint members seized his ID and family papers.

He asked them about seizing his papers and they answered that, "in order to return and go out through us and we deliver you to Turkey and pay us money, and in order not to go to other smugglers because we know that you are in travel to Turkey." He came back and took his papers and pay them for each member of his family 150,000 Syrian pounds ensured him access to the armed opposition controlled areas in northern Syria and then Turkey.

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