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Residents of Yarmouk Camp in Babila Town Organize a Victory March for Al Aqsa Mosque

Published : 11-10-2015

Residents of Yarmouk Camp in Babila Town Organize a Victory March for Al Aqsa Mosque

The displaced people of the Yarmouk camp in the neighboring town of Babbila organized a victory march for Al Aqsa Mosque after Friday prayers yesterday; people of the town and the displaced people from the Yarmouk camp participated in the march, and they chanted slogans pro-Aqsa Mosque.

It is worth mentioning that hundreds of families of the Yarmouk camp had fled after the storming of ISIS the beginning of last April, with support of Al-Nusramembers, as they assassinated many activists in the camp, and threatened the rest of them.

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The displaced people of the Yarmouk camp in the neighboring town of Babbila organized a victory march for Al Aqsa Mosque after Friday prayers yesterday; people of the town and the displaced people from the Yarmouk camp participated in the march, and they chanted slogans pro-Aqsa Mosque.

It is worth mentioning that hundreds of families of the Yarmouk camp had fled after the storming of ISIS the beginning of last April, with support of Al-Nusramembers, as they assassinated many activists in the camp, and threatened the rest of them.

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