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128 Palestinians Die Due to Siege and Lack of Medical Care in Yarmouk, Including 46 Refugees Died Within One Month

Published : 22-10-2015

128 Palestinians Die Due to Siege and Lack of Medical Care in Yarmouk, Including 46 Refugees Died Within One Month

The AGPS documentation team pointed that 182 victims from Yarmouk have died as a result of the siege and the lack of medical care, including 157 victims have died in 2014, where 64refugees died in January 2014.

In 2015, 25 victims died, including 6victimsdied during January 2015, 5 victims died during last February, 5victims died during March, 3 victims died during April, 1 victim died during May, 2 victims died during August, 1 victim died during July, and 2 victims died during last September.

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The AGPS documentation team pointed that 182 victims from Yarmouk have died as a result of the siege and the lack of medical care, including 157 victims have died in 2014, where 64refugees died in January 2014.

In 2015, 25 victims died, including 6victimsdied during January 2015, 5 victims died during last February, 5victims died during March, 3 victims died during April, 1 victim died during May, 2 victims died during August, 1 victim died during July, and 2 victims died during last September.

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