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For the Third Consecutive Month, the Palestinian Refugees at Qudseia Suffer from Siege

Published : 25-10-2015

For the Third Consecutive Month, the Palestinian Refugees at Qudseia Suffer from Siege

Palestinian refugees, who fled from the Yarmouk refugee camp and other camps to Qudseia district in Damascus suburb, are living in a real tragedy, as a result of the siege imposed on that region by the regular army on 23 July because of the kidnapping of one of its members by groups of armed opposition.

The siege reflected negatively on families, while markets are experiencing shortage of goods and high prices, as some owners of houses exploit the conditions of siege and raise their homes Rent. The siege also prevents exit and entry of any Palestinian refugees, except for the employees, and prevents the introduction of any kind of goods, except for royalty to be paid to members of the security checkpoints.

The unemployment and the loss of financial resources turned the life of the Palestinian refugees in Qudsaya to hell, according to the words of one of them; Em Al-Abid, a refugee woman trapped in Qudsaya, says "We ran away from the Yarmouk thinking that the situation outside will be best, but it seems that our people in the camp and their situation is better, we are in Qudsayya suffer of a lack of food and money and paying rent for the houses, we no longer tolerate this situation, especially that nobody represents us and we are subject to the relationship between the regular army and armed opposition groups".

It is noteworthy that Qudsayya includes about 6,000 Palestinian families who fled from their camps.

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Palestinian refugees, who fled from the Yarmouk refugee camp and other camps to Qudseia district in Damascus suburb, are living in a real tragedy, as a result of the siege imposed on that region by the regular army on 23 July because of the kidnapping of one of its members by groups of armed opposition.

The siege reflected negatively on families, while markets are experiencing shortage of goods and high prices, as some owners of houses exploit the conditions of siege and raise their homes Rent. The siege also prevents exit and entry of any Palestinian refugees, except for the employees, and prevents the introduction of any kind of goods, except for royalty to be paid to members of the security checkpoints.

The unemployment and the loss of financial resources turned the life of the Palestinian refugees in Qudsaya to hell, according to the words of one of them; Em Al-Abid, a refugee woman trapped in Qudsaya, says "We ran away from the Yarmouk thinking that the situation outside will be best, but it seems that our people in the camp and their situation is better, we are in Qudsayya suffer of a lack of food and money and paying rent for the houses, we no longer tolerate this situation, especially that nobody represents us and we are subject to the relationship between the regular army and armed opposition groups".

It is noteworthy that Qudsayya includes about 6,000 Palestinian families who fled from their camps.

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