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The Suffering of the Palestinian Syrian Refugees Forces them to think about Immigration from Gaza.

Published : 10-01-2015

The Suffering of the Palestinian Syrian Refugees Forces them to think about Immigration from Gaza.

Al Raml camp, and 36 victims, who were killed during the war.

In Gaza, the Palestinian refugees, who were displaced from Syria to Gaza, are facing hard and difficult conditions after the suspension of aids following the forming of the interim government on 2nd of last June.

The cruelty of their situations have aggravated after the Zionist aggression on the Gaza strip, that resulted in many victims and injuries, as well as the destruction of their houses by Israeli warplanes,  forcing them to resort to the UNRWA schools.

Despite the compensative financial aids provided to them by Hamas, most of them had to sell their properties and search for a  source of living to secure food for their children.

The number of displaced families in Gaza has reached about 390 families, including 240 families came from Syria, and 150 from Libya and Yemen, according to what was clarified by the refugee " Atif Al Amawy", head of the follow-up committee for refugee affairs, who came from Syria to Gaza, in a previous meeting.

In a related context, the Palestinian refugees, who came from Syria, Libya, and Yemen organized a sit-in in front of the Palestinian Ministers Council in Gaza to demand ending their suffering, as they handed, on last Tuesday, a message of their demands to the council, and they threatened to carry out a permanent sit- in in case their demands were not achieved.

Mr. Amawy; his house was demolished during the aggression, pointed out that the displaced families demandsconcluded at providing them the proper basics; such as work, housing, ID, education, and health insurance.

The committee met with a number of officials in Gaza and explained the problems and suffering of the Palestinian refugees coming from Syria, Yemen and Libya and had promises to settle their situations. El Emawi added that the Ministry of Social Affairs gave some of the refugees sum of money to pay the rents and also gave them food aids. Moreover, UNRWA provide them education for elementary and primary grades, health treatment in its health centers, financial aids for houses rent and some of food aids.

Some of these refugees were questioning about the role of the PLO to end their suffering, where it limited its role during the last 3 years on just giving 250 USD to the refugees as financial aids. El Emawi stressed on that there are 60 families were displaced to Gaza and begging for aids though they are not used to begging in Syria.

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Al Raml camp, and 36 victims, who were killed during the war.

In Gaza, the Palestinian refugees, who were displaced from Syria to Gaza, are facing hard and difficult conditions after the suspension of aids following the forming of the interim government on 2nd of last June.

The cruelty of their situations have aggravated after the Zionist aggression on the Gaza strip, that resulted in many victims and injuries, as well as the destruction of their houses by Israeli warplanes,  forcing them to resort to the UNRWA schools.

Despite the compensative financial aids provided to them by Hamas, most of them had to sell their properties and search for a  source of living to secure food for their children.

The number of displaced families in Gaza has reached about 390 families, including 240 families came from Syria, and 150 from Libya and Yemen, according to what was clarified by the refugee " Atif Al Amawy", head of the follow-up committee for refugee affairs, who came from Syria to Gaza, in a previous meeting.

In a related context, the Palestinian refugees, who came from Syria, Libya, and Yemen organized a sit-in in front of the Palestinian Ministers Council in Gaza to demand ending their suffering, as they handed, on last Tuesday, a message of their demands to the council, and they threatened to carry out a permanent sit- in in case their demands were not achieved.

Mr. Amawy; his house was demolished during the aggression, pointed out that the displaced families demandsconcluded at providing them the proper basics; such as work, housing, ID, education, and health insurance.

The committee met with a number of officials in Gaza and explained the problems and suffering of the Palestinian refugees coming from Syria, Yemen and Libya and had promises to settle their situations. El Emawi added that the Ministry of Social Affairs gave some of the refugees sum of money to pay the rents and also gave them food aids. Moreover, UNRWA provide them education for elementary and primary grades, health treatment in its health centers, financial aids for houses rent and some of food aids.

Some of these refugees were questioning about the role of the PLO to end their suffering, where it limited its role during the last 3 years on just giving 250 USD to the refugees as financial aids. El Emawi stressed on that there are 60 families were displaced to Gaza and begging for aids though they are not used to begging in Syria.

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