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Transportation Crisis Exacerbates the Suffering of Khan Dannon Residents in Damascus Suburb

Published : 27-10-2015

Transportation Crisis Exacerbates the Suffering of Khan Dannon Residents in Damascus Suburb

In Damascus suburb, residents of Khan Danoon camp are suffering from transportation. Employers, workers, and students of the camp cannot access their business, jobs, schools, and universities on time due to the lack of buses forcing them to leave their homes at five o'clock in the morning to reach at eight o'clock.

The residents of the camp demanded the stakeholders across many social network websites to resolve their problem and forming a delegation of notables of the camp to meet with stakeholders in Damascus suburb and to follow up the case. They also said that the solution lies in organizing the passenger buses, or specializing buses for internal transfer that come daily every morning to transfer students, workers, and others.

It is noteworthy that residents of Khan Danoon camp are experiencing miserable living conditions as a result of lack of basic services, shortage of bread, and continuous electricity, water, and telecommunications outages for long periods up to more than 16 hours a day.

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In Damascus suburb, residents of Khan Danoon camp are suffering from transportation. Employers, workers, and students of the camp cannot access their business, jobs, schools, and universities on time due to the lack of buses forcing them to leave their homes at five o'clock in the morning to reach at eight o'clock.

The residents of the camp demanded the stakeholders across many social network websites to resolve their problem and forming a delegation of notables of the camp to meet with stakeholders in Damascus suburb and to follow up the case. They also said that the solution lies in organizing the passenger buses, or specializing buses for internal transfer that come daily every morning to transfer students, workers, and others.

It is noteworthy that residents of Khan Danoon camp are experiencing miserable living conditions as a result of lack of basic services, shortage of bread, and continuous electricity, water, and telecommunications outages for long periods up to more than 16 hours a day.

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