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Clashes and Appeals to Enter Fuel to the Yarmouk Camp in Damascus

Published : 27-10-2015

Clashes and Appeals to Enter Fuel to the Yarmouk Camp in Damascus

The remained medical cadres in the Yarmouk camp called for the introduction of fuel and its persities to the camp after the increase in the number of burn injuries among residents of the camp and the death of a number of them by burning because of the gasoline industry.

Many residents of the camp were forced to secure gasoline and extract it through the distillation of plastic after burning it with a mixture of carpet, covers, sponges, and others despite great dangers that are resulted from the extraction process. Some direct dangers of this process may include gas explosion caused by the distillation process and the resulting burns some of which were third-class and led to the death according to the medical cadres.

One of the doctors said that" the other resulting materials such as first carbon sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, and some small grains lead to the immediate effects on the respiratory system by the lack of hypoxia, asthma, bronchitis and other allergic diseases, as well as the future influences especially the lung cancer".

 The medical commissions in the Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugee in Damascus announced the full running out of medical supplies and medicines from the besieged camp, warning from the interruption of first aid services in less than a week, in addition to the need for fuel to run generators, the only source for medical centers and in treating residents.

The Syrian army and its loyal groups targeted the locations of Al- Nasrah Front groups over clashes axis in the besieged Yarmouk camp. The conflicting areas are experiencing violent clashes between the two sides and attempts of each side to achieve progress.

This coincides with the continuous siege of the regular army and groups of the General Command for 847 days respectively, power outages for more than 917 days, and water cut for 407days respectively.

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The remained medical cadres in the Yarmouk camp called for the introduction of fuel and its persities to the camp after the increase in the number of burn injuries among residents of the camp and the death of a number of them by burning because of the gasoline industry.

Many residents of the camp were forced to secure gasoline and extract it through the distillation of plastic after burning it with a mixture of carpet, covers, sponges, and others despite great dangers that are resulted from the extraction process. Some direct dangers of this process may include gas explosion caused by the distillation process and the resulting burns some of which were third-class and led to the death according to the medical cadres.

One of the doctors said that" the other resulting materials such as first carbon sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, and some small grains lead to the immediate effects on the respiratory system by the lack of hypoxia, asthma, bronchitis and other allergic diseases, as well as the future influences especially the lung cancer".

 The medical commissions in the Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugee in Damascus announced the full running out of medical supplies and medicines from the besieged camp, warning from the interruption of first aid services in less than a week, in addition to the need for fuel to run generators, the only source for medical centers and in treating residents.

The Syrian army and its loyal groups targeted the locations of Al- Nasrah Front groups over clashes axis in the besieged Yarmouk camp. The conflicting areas are experiencing violent clashes between the two sides and attempts of each side to achieve progress.

This coincides with the continuous siege of the regular army and groups of the General Command for 847 days respectively, power outages for more than 917 days, and water cut for 407days respectively.

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