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Relief Activist Assassinated in Yarmouk, and a Child Died Due to Siege and Lack of Medical Care

Published : 28-10-2015

Relief Activist Assassinated in Yarmouk, and a Child Died Due to Siege and Lack of Medical Care

Unknown group assassinated the Secretary of the Palestinian National Authority and Official of the Democratic Front in the Yarmouk camp, "Abu Ahmed Houari." He was shot at Al Magharba Street, while the perpetrators fled away without knowing their identity.

It is noteworthy that the AGPS documented the assassination of 16 activists in the Yarmouk refugee camp, they are:

The relief activist Mustafa Al-Shara'an, Baha Saqr, a member of Yarmouk Residents League, the two activists Ahmed Al-Sahli and Abdullah Bader, Ali Al Hajja, the activist Mohammed Yusuf Arisha, director of the relief office in the camp, Mohammed Tiraoah, Fatah representative in the Yarmouk refugee camp, the activists Nemer Hussein, a member of the Civil Council of Yarmouk, Firas Hussein Al-Naji, official of Basma institution in the Yarmouk camp, Yahya Abdullah al-Hourani Abu Suhaib, where he was assassinated near Al-Taj chicken shop on 30 / March / 2015 while he was on his way to work in Palestine hospital, and the activist Abu Diyaa Emara, while he was assassinated in Yalda town adjacent to the camp.

The AGPS referred that the camp witnessed a failed assassination attempt against the activist Mohammed Taha and the relief activist Abdullah al-Khatib.

Meanwhile, the 11-year- child Salah Aldein Reyad Al Soufani died due to the siege and the lack of medical care in the Yarmouk refugee camp, bringing the number of Palestinian refugees who died as a result of starvation and siege to 183 victims, according to the AGPS monitoring and documentation team statistics.

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Unknown group assassinated the Secretary of the Palestinian National Authority and Official of the Democratic Front in the Yarmouk camp, "Abu Ahmed Houari." He was shot at Al Magharba Street, while the perpetrators fled away without knowing their identity.

It is noteworthy that the AGPS documented the assassination of 16 activists in the Yarmouk refugee camp, they are:

The relief activist Mustafa Al-Shara'an, Baha Saqr, a member of Yarmouk Residents League, the two activists Ahmed Al-Sahli and Abdullah Bader, Ali Al Hajja, the activist Mohammed Yusuf Arisha, director of the relief office in the camp, Mohammed Tiraoah, Fatah representative in the Yarmouk refugee camp, the activists Nemer Hussein, a member of the Civil Council of Yarmouk, Firas Hussein Al-Naji, official of Basma institution in the Yarmouk camp, Yahya Abdullah al-Hourani Abu Suhaib, where he was assassinated near Al-Taj chicken shop on 30 / March / 2015 while he was on his way to work in Palestine hospital, and the activist Abu Diyaa Emara, while he was assassinated in Yalda town adjacent to the camp.

The AGPS referred that the camp witnessed a failed assassination attempt against the activist Mohammed Taha and the relief activist Abdullah al-Khatib.

Meanwhile, the 11-year- child Salah Aldein Reyad Al Soufani died due to the siege and the lack of medical care in the Yarmouk refugee camp, bringing the number of Palestinian refugees who died as a result of starvation and siege to 183 victims, according to the AGPS monitoring and documentation team statistics.

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