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Snow Storm Reveals New Suffering at Jermana Camp.

Published : 10-01-2015

Snow Storm Reveals New Suffering at Jermana Camp.

The snow storm, that affected Syria, aggravated the suffering of the Palestinian refugees who were displaced to Jermana camp after the families suffered of the snow and the freeze of storm at the tents that inhabited with a lot of families at the UNRWA schools.

Those families have no other choice but to bear the suffering that resulted in the ongoing war in Syria, which forced them to fled their houses searching for safe and security; such as Jermana camp, where thousands of Palestinian refugees were displaced to it due to the shelling by the regular army, sniping, and the siege imposed at the Palestinian camps in Damascus, especially the Yarmouk, Al Husseneia, and Sbeina camps.

After the great displacement to Jermana camp, and in light the ongoing war in Syria, the camp witnessed several crises, most prominent was the high rent of houses and increasing demand which forced many families to share the same house, that cannot contain more than one family.

Sharing the houses was an attempt to alleviate the economic burdens, while others had to live at under construction houses, and some others did not find but tents in a number of UNRWA schools, that turned to shelter centers for refugees.

All this coincided with the spread of unemployment and the lack of aids provided by UNRWA and charity committees, which are not enough for the refugees to cover their expenses; such as houses rent, food, power, and heating; that became more important than food and drink at this conditions, according to a refugee description.

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The snow storm, that affected Syria, aggravated the suffering of the Palestinian refugees who were displaced to Jermana camp after the families suffered of the snow and the freeze of storm at the tents that inhabited with a lot of families at the UNRWA schools.

Those families have no other choice but to bear the suffering that resulted in the ongoing war in Syria, which forced them to fled their houses searching for safe and security; such as Jermana camp, where thousands of Palestinian refugees were displaced to it due to the shelling by the regular army, sniping, and the siege imposed at the Palestinian camps in Damascus, especially the Yarmouk, Al Husseneia, and Sbeina camps.

After the great displacement to Jermana camp, and in light the ongoing war in Syria, the camp witnessed several crises, most prominent was the high rent of houses and increasing demand which forced many families to share the same house, that cannot contain more than one family.

Sharing the houses was an attempt to alleviate the economic burdens, while others had to live at under construction houses, and some others did not find but tents in a number of UNRWA schools, that turned to shelter centers for refugees.

All this coincided with the spread of unemployment and the lack of aids provided by UNRWA and charity committees, which are not enough for the refugees to cover their expenses; such as houses rent, food, power, and heating; that became more important than food and drink at this conditions, according to a refugee description.

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