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2000 IDP Families to the Neighboring Camps of Yarmouk Lack the most Basic Necessities of Life

Published : 03-11-2015

2000 IDP Families to the Neighboring Camps of Yarmouk Lack the most Basic Necessities of Life

The displaced residents of Yarmouk in the surrounding areas suffer from difficult humanitarian situations due to ISIS control over Yarmouk camp on April 2015.

A video report, was prepared by Fajer Press, shows the miserable living situation of 2000 Palestinian families in the shelters at Yelda, Babila, and Bait Sahm where the centers lack the minimum live essentials.

The displaced residents of Yarmouk camp complain from the negligence of the concerned parties in the Palestine affairs specially PLO, Palestinian factions, and UNRWA, they also complain the absence of relief and medical services, in addition to the heat means for them and their children.

The video Report clarified that some relief organizations such as Palestine Charity Commission, Jafra, and Themar Charity are still providing services to the displaced Palestinian refugees in these areas.

They provide the basic needs such as food, medicine, and water to alleviate the suffering of siege and displacement despite the lack of materials resources. 

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The displaced residents of Yarmouk in the surrounding areas suffer from difficult humanitarian situations due to ISIS control over Yarmouk camp on April 2015.

A video report, was prepared by Fajer Press, shows the miserable living situation of 2000 Palestinian families in the shelters at Yelda, Babila, and Bait Sahm where the centers lack the minimum live essentials.

The displaced residents of Yarmouk camp complain from the negligence of the concerned parties in the Palestine affairs specially PLO, Palestinian factions, and UNRWA, they also complain the absence of relief and medical services, in addition to the heat means for them and their children.

The video Report clarified that some relief organizations such as Palestine Charity Commission, Jafra, and Themar Charity are still providing services to the displaced Palestinian refugees in these areas.

They provide the basic needs such as food, medicine, and water to alleviate the suffering of siege and displacement despite the lack of materials resources. 

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