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Opposition Groups in Yalda Distribute a Statement Specifying Times of Entry and Exit of People to and from the Yarmouk

Published : 03-11-2015

Opposition Groups in Yalda Distribute a Statement Specifying Times of Entry and Exit of People to and from the Yarmouk

 In North Syria, the operation room of the Opposition armed groups at Yelda distributed statement to the residents of Yarmouk camp, that determined the time to enter and exit the camp to Yelda and that the crossing will be open from 7 am till 5 pm.

The Opposition noted that anyone moves out of this time will be a target and it is not responsible for the live of any person out of this time. It is mentioned that Yelda area is considered the only exit for the entry of the food aid to the besieged residents of Yarmouk camp.

 The opposition closed the road for many times because it accused ISIS and Nusra Front at Yarmouk camp and AlHajar Al Aswad of assassinating many of its members and a number of activists at Yelda.

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 In North Syria, the operation room of the Opposition armed groups at Yelda distributed statement to the residents of Yarmouk camp, that determined the time to enter and exit the camp to Yelda and that the crossing will be open from 7 am till 5 pm.

The Opposition noted that anyone moves out of this time will be a target and it is not responsible for the live of any person out of this time. It is mentioned that Yelda area is considered the only exit for the entry of the food aid to the besieged residents of Yarmouk camp.

 The opposition closed the road for many times because it accused ISIS and Nusra Front at Yarmouk camp and AlHajar Al Aswad of assassinating many of its members and a number of activists at Yelda.

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