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PFLP Funerals one of its Cadres in Syria

Published : 10-11-2015

PFLP Funerals one of its Cadres in Syria

The PFLP-GC funerals its member "Fadi Hani Tameem" Abu Shadi, while media resources reported that he died during confrontations with the armed opposition in the Yarmouk camp.

The GC is a Pro-Syrian Regime and has dozens of fighters who fight alongside the Syrian Army against the opposition groups in the Yarmouk camp. 

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The PFLP-GC funerals its member "Fadi Hani Tameem" Abu Shadi, while media resources reported that he died during confrontations with the armed opposition in the Yarmouk camp.

The GC is a Pro-Syrian Regime and has dozens of fighters who fight alongside the Syrian Army against the opposition groups in the Yarmouk camp. 

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