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Shooting and Recriminations Causing Aids Suspension at the Besieged Yarmouk.

Published : 11-01-2015

Shooting and Recriminations Causing Aids Suspension at the Besieged Yarmouk.

The Yarmouk refugee camp witnessed shooting towards the refugee, who were gathering near Al Rija square hoping to receive some food aids, but the shooting prevented them and resulted in many injuries amongst them, one of them was identified; the baby girl "Zainab Steity". A state of panic spread amongst the residents who escaped the shooting to the lanes and alleys.

Meanwhile, some activists and residents, who were present during the aids distribution, accused the members of the PFGC of shooting them, while the GC groups said that the factions affiliated to the Syrian armed opposition is the one who shot. Therefore, the urgent relief aids was suspended for the 5th week respectively amid actual fears of starvation to death.

In the same context, following the aids distribution suspension, another clashes broke out between the Syrian regular army alongside with Palestinian groups loyal to it and the Syrian opposition groups at all conflict areas. Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis brigades, a group of the Armed opposition at the Yarmouk camp, mentioned, at its website, that it targeted the stationing points of the PFGC members at the entrance of the camp with an explosive bomb in response to preventing the entry of food and medical aids, and cutting drinking water at the Yarmouk camp, according to the statement.

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The Yarmouk refugee camp witnessed shooting towards the refugee, who were gathering near Al Rija square hoping to receive some food aids, but the shooting prevented them and resulted in many injuries amongst them, one of them was identified; the baby girl "Zainab Steity". A state of panic spread amongst the residents who escaped the shooting to the lanes and alleys.

Meanwhile, some activists and residents, who were present during the aids distribution, accused the members of the PFGC of shooting them, while the GC groups said that the factions affiliated to the Syrian armed opposition is the one who shot. Therefore, the urgent relief aids was suspended for the 5th week respectively amid actual fears of starvation to death.

In the same context, following the aids distribution suspension, another clashes broke out between the Syrian regular army alongside with Palestinian groups loyal to it and the Syrian opposition groups at all conflict areas. Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis brigades, a group of the Armed opposition at the Yarmouk camp, mentioned, at its website, that it targeted the stationing points of the PFGC members at the entrance of the camp with an explosive bomb in response to preventing the entry of food and medical aids, and cutting drinking water at the Yarmouk camp, according to the statement.

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