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Sit-in at the Yarmouk Camp for Ending the Siege and Entering Aids.

Published : 12-01-2015

Sit-in at the Yarmouk Camp for Ending the Siege and Entering Aids.

A group of Palestinian youth sit-in at the Yarmouk camp to express their anger about the continuous siege of the regular army and the Palestinian groups loyal to it for 555 days, and to protest about preventing the entry of food and medical aids, and the cut of power and water.

The protestors appealed the concerned parties, the PLO, and the armed groups inside the Yarmouk camp to enter aids and work to secure the road for that.

This comes after news about some victims due to the lack of medical care, the spread of starvation, and the increasing demand of food and aids amongst the streets and alleys of the camp after the severe suffering of the bitter cold and the lack of heating methods.

The Palestinian refugees warned, during their sit-in, of a humanitarian catastrophe if the food and medical aids continue to be prevented, the most prominent slogans was" the Bullet missed us, while starvation arrow hit us".

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A group of Palestinian youth sit-in at the Yarmouk camp to express their anger about the continuous siege of the regular army and the Palestinian groups loyal to it for 555 days, and to protest about preventing the entry of food and medical aids, and the cut of power and water.

The protestors appealed the concerned parties, the PLO, and the armed groups inside the Yarmouk camp to enter aids and work to secure the road for that.

This comes after news about some victims due to the lack of medical care, the spread of starvation, and the increasing demand of food and aids amongst the streets and alleys of the camp after the severe suffering of the bitter cold and the lack of heating methods.

The Palestinian refugees warned, during their sit-in, of a humanitarian catastrophe if the food and medical aids continue to be prevented, the most prominent slogans was" the Bullet missed us, while starvation arrow hit us".

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