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Overnight Clashes between Syrian Regime's Army and Opposition Groups in Yarmouk Camp.

Published : 02-12-2015

Overnight Clashes between Syrian Regime

The night of Monday-Tuesday has witnessed sporadic clashed between Syrian Regime's Army and its militias on the one hand, and ISIS and Al-Nusra on the other hand, causing no significant progress for both parties where ISIS is still controlling 60% of Yarmouk Camp's area, while the Regime is dominating the other 40%.

In relation to the living situation, Yarmouk Camp current inhabitants suffer tragic situations as a result of lack of food and the continuous water and electricity cut for more than 18 months.

It is noteworthy that 18 thousand people were locked inside the Yarmouk Camp, more than half of them were displaced after ISIS broke into the camp last April. 

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The night of Monday-Tuesday has witnessed sporadic clashed between Syrian Regime's Army and its militias on the one hand, and ISIS and Al-Nusra on the other hand, causing no significant progress for both parties where ISIS is still controlling 60% of Yarmouk Camp's area, while the Regime is dominating the other 40%.

In relation to the living situation, Yarmouk Camp current inhabitants suffer tragic situations as a result of lack of food and the continuous water and electricity cut for more than 18 months.

It is noteworthy that 18 thousand people were locked inside the Yarmouk Camp, more than half of them were displaced after ISIS broke into the camp last April. 

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