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Family of a Palestinian Arrestee in Lebanon appeal to get him released

Published : 04-12-2015

Family of a Palestinian Arrestee in Lebanon appeal to get him released

In Lebanon, The family of the Palestinian Syrian refugee "Mohammad Yusuf Mousa" who has been detained by the Lebanese government for 3 day, appealed to the Palestinian Embassy and Palestinian Factions and UNRWA to take action and help releasing their son who was arrested for not having residence permission.

The family said that "our son is facing unsanitary conditions given that he's got amputated feet and needs special care", accusing the Lebanese Government of unjustified procrastination as her son "Mohammad" had already started the process of renewing his residence permission on the very next day after the governmental instructions in Sidon.

Holding the Palestinian ambassador in Lebanon and the Palestinian factions full responsibility for their son, the family assured that "Mohammad" had been following up with the authorities for a while to get his renewal despite of the harsh treatment, but finally he couldn't get any receipt or approval that his papers are being processed to show to Lebanese Security at checkpoints.

It is noteworthy that the Lebanese authorities had launched arbitrary arrests campaign which affected dozens of Palestinian Syrian refugees at the entrance of Ain El-Hilweh Camp under the pretext of not having residence permits although most of them had given papers to General Security for renewal.

According to semi-official statistics, the estimated census of Palestinian Syrian refugees in Lebanon is (45,000) people, while most of them suffer hard conditions especially after UNRWA's aid reduction and Lebanese security persecutions.

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In Lebanon, The family of the Palestinian Syrian refugee "Mohammad Yusuf Mousa" who has been detained by the Lebanese government for 3 day, appealed to the Palestinian Embassy and Palestinian Factions and UNRWA to take action and help releasing their son who was arrested for not having residence permission.

The family said that "our son is facing unsanitary conditions given that he's got amputated feet and needs special care", accusing the Lebanese Government of unjustified procrastination as her son "Mohammad" had already started the process of renewing his residence permission on the very next day after the governmental instructions in Sidon.

Holding the Palestinian ambassador in Lebanon and the Palestinian factions full responsibility for their son, the family assured that "Mohammad" had been following up with the authorities for a while to get his renewal despite of the harsh treatment, but finally he couldn't get any receipt or approval that his papers are being processed to show to Lebanese Security at checkpoints.

It is noteworthy that the Lebanese authorities had launched arbitrary arrests campaign which affected dozens of Palestinian Syrian refugees at the entrance of Ain El-Hilweh Camp under the pretext of not having residence permits although most of them had given papers to General Security for renewal.

According to semi-official statistics, the estimated census of Palestinian Syrian refugees in Lebanon is (45,000) people, while most of them suffer hard conditions especially after UNRWA's aid reduction and Lebanese security persecutions.

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