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Shelling on Yarmouk Refugee Camp and Medical Centers Suffer a Severe Shortage of Medical Materials

Published : 04-12-2015

Shelling on Yarmouk Refugee Camp and Medical Centers Suffer a Severe Shortage of Medical Materials

At dawn Yesterday, the Yarmouk Refugees Camp has witnessed bombing with several shells and mortars which caused no more than material damages, in conjunction with violent clashes occurred at the Camps' entrance between the Syrian Regime's groups and its militias on one hand and Al-Nusra and ISIS on the other hand.

The "Medical Rescue and Surgery Centre" announced, earlier, a severe shortage in medical and first-aid supplies, caused many patients and injured persons to be left without medication. Those in charge of the center assured that the medical and relief associations have left them behind without enough support to the last medical point that could save people's lives inside the besieged refugees camp.

The census of remaining civilians inside Yarmouk refugees camp refers to 3000 to 5000 people, suffer acute shortage of medical services due to the siege imposed by the Syrian Regime forces and its militias and PFLP-GC and due to the non-stop targeting and shelling that hit the hospitals and medical buildings causing major damages to its facilities, and after ISIS broke into the refugees camp the situation got worse because of targeting medical staff and closing relief outlets. 

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At dawn Yesterday, the Yarmouk Refugees Camp has witnessed bombing with several shells and mortars which caused no more than material damages, in conjunction with violent clashes occurred at the Camps' entrance between the Syrian Regime's groups and its militias on one hand and Al-Nusra and ISIS on the other hand.

The "Medical Rescue and Surgery Centre" announced, earlier, a severe shortage in medical and first-aid supplies, caused many patients and injured persons to be left without medication. Those in charge of the center assured that the medical and relief associations have left them behind without enough support to the last medical point that could save people's lives inside the besieged refugees camp.

The census of remaining civilians inside Yarmouk refugees camp refers to 3000 to 5000 people, suffer acute shortage of medical services due to the siege imposed by the Syrian Regime forces and its militias and PFLP-GC and due to the non-stop targeting and shelling that hit the hospitals and medical buildings causing major damages to its facilities, and after ISIS broke into the refugees camp the situation got worse because of targeting medical staff and closing relief outlets. 

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