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Palestinian Syrian refugees in Turkey face several obstacles and suffer from hard living conditions.

Published : 06-12-2015

Palestinian Syrian refugees in Turkey face several obstacles and suffer from hard living conditions.

In Turkey, the Palestinian Syrian refugees who fled the war in Syria to Turkey are suffering from many difficulties and challenges led them into very hard living conditions, these difficulties are represented in the lack of job opportunities and the challenge of learning the Turkish language added to the high competition in job market since hundreds of thousands of displaced refugees are seeking jobs too. Moreover, some employers exploit their refugees' workers for more working hours and low wages in return, while others put prerequisite to obtain residence permit.

Many of displaced families in Turkey live in storages or joint flats or even tents sometimes. A Palestinian refugee says: “the worst house rent could be 150 USD, without counting the bills, which is more than expensive to me”.

It is noteworthy that most of the Palestinian Syrian refugees in Turkey are originally from Yarmouk and Handarat and Al-Nayrab and Daraa camps which had been affected by the military strikes. Those refugees managed to reach the Turkish lands through Idlib and Halab Provinces, from which they passed to Hatay and Gaziantep Provinces in Turkey.

It is noteworthy that Turkey, mostly, is not the final destination for the Palestinian Syrians, but serves as the most prominent transit point to Europe, as it is one of the most important paths from which the refugees ride the sea boats toward Italy and other European countries. This comes as a result of closing all borders in front of the Palestinian refugees.

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In Turkey, the Palestinian Syrian refugees who fled the war in Syria to Turkey are suffering from many difficulties and challenges led them into very hard living conditions, these difficulties are represented in the lack of job opportunities and the challenge of learning the Turkish language added to the high competition in job market since hundreds of thousands of displaced refugees are seeking jobs too. Moreover, some employers exploit their refugees' workers for more working hours and low wages in return, while others put prerequisite to obtain residence permit.

Many of displaced families in Turkey live in storages or joint flats or even tents sometimes. A Palestinian refugee says: “the worst house rent could be 150 USD, without counting the bills, which is more than expensive to me”.

It is noteworthy that most of the Palestinian Syrian refugees in Turkey are originally from Yarmouk and Handarat and Al-Nayrab and Daraa camps which had been affected by the military strikes. Those refugees managed to reach the Turkish lands through Idlib and Halab Provinces, from which they passed to Hatay and Gaziantep Provinces in Turkey.

It is noteworthy that Turkey, mostly, is not the final destination for the Palestinian Syrians, but serves as the most prominent transit point to Europe, as it is one of the most important paths from which the refugees ride the sea boats toward Italy and other European countries. This comes as a result of closing all borders in front of the Palestinian refugees.

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