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People of Yarmouk Camp Sit-in to Demand Breaking the Siege and Entering the Drugs

Published : 09-12-2015

People of Yarmouk Camp Sit-in to Demand Breaking the Siege and Entering the Drugs

A number of civil society institutions in Yarmouk refugees camp south of Damascus organized a sit-in in front of the UNRWA office in Schools St. calling for lifting the siege imposed on the camp, and appealing to the UNRWA and the ICRC and medical and humanitarian organizations in the world to exert pressure on the Syrian regime to let the medicines and medical supplies in, due to the deteriorating health situation in the camp and the spread of many chronic diseases, typhoid and jaundice among Yarmouk residents.

It is noteworthy that of the rest of the people remained inside Yarmouk camp are suffering from a severe shortage of medical services because of the continuing siege imposed by the regime's army and PFLP-GC, and because of the shelling that hits hospitals which led to major damages.

Moreover, since the beginning of last April; ISIS took control over the camp and forced most of the relief agencies out towards the nearby town of Yalda, and assassinated many activists.

It is noteworthy that 184 of the Yarmouk refugees died as a direct result of the siege because of the nutrition and medical care shortage.

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A number of civil society institutions in Yarmouk refugees camp south of Damascus organized a sit-in in front of the UNRWA office in Schools St. calling for lifting the siege imposed on the camp, and appealing to the UNRWA and the ICRC and medical and humanitarian organizations in the world to exert pressure on the Syrian regime to let the medicines and medical supplies in, due to the deteriorating health situation in the camp and the spread of many chronic diseases, typhoid and jaundice among Yarmouk residents.

It is noteworthy that of the rest of the people remained inside Yarmouk camp are suffering from a severe shortage of medical services because of the continuing siege imposed by the regime's army and PFLP-GC, and because of the shelling that hits hospitals which led to major damages.

Moreover, since the beginning of last April; ISIS took control over the camp and forced most of the relief agencies out towards the nearby town of Yalda, and assassinated many activists.

It is noteworthy that 184 of the Yarmouk refugees died as a direct result of the siege because of the nutrition and medical care shortage.

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