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Victims until today


AGPS monitors the living suffering in Dara'a camp.

Published : 25-01-2016

AGPS monitors the living suffering in Dara

In south country in Dara'a, Palestinian refugees are suffering from the constant shelling and military actions. The Palestinian camp of Dara'a, located just 300 meter away from the city centre, is subjected to heavy bombardment and explosive barrels since May 2012. It is worth mentioning that no running water in the camp for 663 day, and the electricity runs for 4 hours-average a day. The camp's inhabitants are enforced to use the contaminated artesian wells with difficulties of extracting the water because of the power cutting.

The horrific situation in the camp resulting in spreading of rats in the abandoned building which is the main cause of some diseases.

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In south country in Dara'a, Palestinian refugees are suffering from the constant shelling and military actions. The Palestinian camp of Dara'a, located just 300 meter away from the city centre, is subjected to heavy bombardment and explosive barrels since May 2012. It is worth mentioning that no running water in the camp for 663 day, and the electricity runs for 4 hours-average a day. The camp's inhabitants are enforced to use the contaminated artesian wells with difficulties of extracting the water because of the power cutting.

The horrific situation in the camp resulting in spreading of rats in the abandoned building which is the main cause of some diseases.

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