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AGPS sheds light on the humanitarian conditions of PS in Lebanon.

Published : 28-01-2016

AGPS sheds light on the humanitarian conditions of PS in Lebanon.

PS in Lebanon suffer from frequent cuts and notable reduction of aid support they get from humanitarian organisations, apart from some 'seasonal' campaigns which do not cover all the needy families, in light of UNRWA's shelter allowance cut that affected all the refugees. This decline is due to funding and donations shortage, according to those in charge.

Others accuse such foundations of "corruption and lack of sincerity", talking about "relief aid enough for all needy refugees arriving to those foundations but not distributed" warning from the implications of such behaviour on the refugees who are left with no employment or financial income at all.

Activists demanded the UNRWA, PLO, Palestinian Factions, and all relief institutions to take urgent procedures to alleviate the suffering of refugees and to take proper actions to avoid more aggravation.

The legal status, securing shelter, and high prices are considered to be the major problems faced by the PS refugees who fled Syria to Lebanon.

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PS in Lebanon suffer from frequent cuts and notable reduction of aid support they get from humanitarian organisations, apart from some 'seasonal' campaigns which do not cover all the needy families, in light of UNRWA's shelter allowance cut that affected all the refugees. This decline is due to funding and donations shortage, according to those in charge.

Others accuse such foundations of "corruption and lack of sincerity", talking about "relief aid enough for all needy refugees arriving to those foundations but not distributed" warning from the implications of such behaviour on the refugees who are left with no employment or financial income at all.

Activists demanded the UNRWA, PLO, Palestinian Factions, and all relief institutions to take urgent procedures to alleviate the suffering of refugees and to take proper actions to avoid more aggravation.

The legal status, securing shelter, and high prices are considered to be the major problems faced by the PS refugees who fled Syria to Lebanon.

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