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4 Palestinians victims drowning from Khan Esheih camp in last January.

Published : 08-02-2016

4 Palestinians victims drowning from Khan Esheih camp in last January.

AGPS announced 4 victims, Sana Hazaa and her three kids Udai, Qusai and Lama Hilal, from Khan Esheih camp had drowned as they trying to cross Aegean sea to the Greek side. The four victims died in last month of January and they are one family. 

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AGPS announced 4 victims, Sana Hazaa and her three kids Udai, Qusai and Lama Hilal, from Khan Esheih camp had drowned as they trying to cross Aegean sea to the Greek side. The four victims died in last month of January and they are one family. 

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