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Armed Brigades Threaten to Ignite the Southern Region in Case of Breaking Into the Yarmouk Camp.

Published : 19-01-2015

Armed Brigades Threaten to Ignite the Southern Region in Case of Breaking Into the Yarmouk Camp.

Seven armed brigades of the Syrian army, which are; Legitimacy Committee south of Damascus, Islam Army, Ajnad Al Sham brigades, Ahrar Al Sham Islamic Movement, Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis Brigades, Al Islah Forces, and Al Hajar Al Aswad Fighters threatened, in a statement, to take a strong reaction if the Yarmouk Brigades, that is supposed to be form by the SRA and the Palestinian factions, will break into the Yarmouk camp.

The statement, that was published by the armed forces in the southern area in its website, states that "during the negotiations about ceasing fire, there are threatens and raiding here and there. Therefore,  the military forces south of Damascus confirm that they concern about the southern area including the Yarmouk camp, and stress what was announced by the legitimacy committee, earlier, that we are sharing peace or war. They also stressed that any attack on the area, especially the Yarmouk camp, is consider an attack on the whole area, and we will not keep silent , as well we will face the enemies and the attackers to stop the injustice.  

It is worth mentioning that "Al Akhbar" Lebanese newspaper revealed that the regime seeks to form a military brigade consists of the displaced people of the Yarmouk camp, and will be named "Al Yarmouk brigade". The new brigade's mission is to break into the camp, and to take control of it.

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Seven armed brigades of the Syrian army, which are; Legitimacy Committee south of Damascus, Islam Army, Ajnad Al Sham brigades, Ahrar Al Sham Islamic Movement, Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis Brigades, Al Islah Forces, and Al Hajar Al Aswad Fighters threatened, in a statement, to take a strong reaction if the Yarmouk Brigades, that is supposed to be form by the SRA and the Palestinian factions, will break into the Yarmouk camp.

The statement, that was published by the armed forces in the southern area in its website, states that "during the negotiations about ceasing fire, there are threatens and raiding here and there. Therefore,  the military forces south of Damascus confirm that they concern about the southern area including the Yarmouk camp, and stress what was announced by the legitimacy committee, earlier, that we are sharing peace or war. They also stressed that any attack on the area, especially the Yarmouk camp, is consider an attack on the whole area, and we will not keep silent , as well we will face the enemies and the attackers to stop the injustice.  

It is worth mentioning that "Al Akhbar" Lebanese newspaper revealed that the regime seeks to form a military brigade consists of the displaced people of the Yarmouk camp, and will be named "Al Yarmouk brigade". The new brigade's mission is to break into the camp, and to take control of it.

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