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UNRWA and the step by step policy

Published : 16-01-2016

UNRWA and the step by step policy

By Maher Shawish*


 Reducing health services by UNRWA in Lebanon, is not the first step and will not be the last in terms of the declining services which is done thoughtfully and systematically by UNRWA, in the context of implementing the step by step policy to reach a final goal intentionally or unintentionally.

The series of steps applied by the agency serve a specific purpose and agenda, whether the UNRWA is part or just a tool in it. What makes us characterize it as a partner is not premeditated intentions, we deal with UNRWA on the basis of possible disagreeing with its policies but not its existence.

We follow-up the agency, watch the behavior of this institution since its establishment, which recently came into doubt and questioning, in light of the events that occurred in the region, coupled with the most difficult circumstances experienced by the Palestinian refugees in UNRWA's five fields of operations, which impose a different kind of fast and Immediate response programs, in line with the three wars that Gaza witnessed, and the disastrous effects on its infrastructure, and the suffering of the Palestinians in Syria for five years, not far from that, the instability experienced by Lebanon, and how it reflects on its refugees economically and socially, without ignoring the Palestinian refugees in Jordan and there suffering, as well as the situation with the occupation in the West Bank’s refugees camps.

The tragic situation of Palestinian refugees in this multi-geographic areas imposes a response movement from UNRWA, the responsible international agency in first place, but any monitoring on the UNRWA’s operations will conclude that it has some mysterious role if considering the good intentions apart from any conspiracy theory.

We are forced, by these steps that run contrary to the natural direction of response, to have a different reading of this approach carried out by institution established to Relief these refugees and find them work until they return to the homes from which they were expelled by massacres and terrorism.

Step by step policy implemented by UNRWA, which means to leave the refugee for a period of time to become familiar with the consequences of each step, it goes on to the next move, in a gradual manner, so that the ultimate goal is not to be declared at once. This became a convertible and revealed strategy which can’t deceive the Palestinian refugee anymore, and it shouldn’t. This has been shown up in the camps reactions in Lebanon to the last move of the UNRWA, this should continue and be developed, and not limited to Lebanon, within a well-designed steps suits the consequences of UNRWA decisions and its negative impacts on their reality, it’s no longer acceptable to rely on a temporary solutions and painkillers, just like the Panadol, almost the only treatment refugees get in UNRWA s clinics.

The case of the collective awareness of our people in different places of what is being plotted against them require a special kind of harmony from the Palestinian decision-makers without delay or hesitation. Otherwise, it is considered a throwback and a decline worth questioning and requires a firm stand, because the target is to eliminate the right of return to Palestinian, the essence of the Palestinian cause and its basic title, through striking elements of the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in their camps and converting them into repellent environments, so the refugee become ready and willing to migrate.


* Writer and Palestinian journalist

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By Maher Shawish*


 Reducing health services by UNRWA in Lebanon, is not the first step and will not be the last in terms of the declining services which is done thoughtfully and systematically by UNRWA, in the context of implementing the step by step policy to reach a final goal intentionally or unintentionally.

The series of steps applied by the agency serve a specific purpose and agenda, whether the UNRWA is part or just a tool in it. What makes us characterize it as a partner is not premeditated intentions, we deal with UNRWA on the basis of possible disagreeing with its policies but not its existence.

We follow-up the agency, watch the behavior of this institution since its establishment, which recently came into doubt and questioning, in light of the events that occurred in the region, coupled with the most difficult circumstances experienced by the Palestinian refugees in UNRWA's five fields of operations, which impose a different kind of fast and Immediate response programs, in line with the three wars that Gaza witnessed, and the disastrous effects on its infrastructure, and the suffering of the Palestinians in Syria for five years, not far from that, the instability experienced by Lebanon, and how it reflects on its refugees economically and socially, without ignoring the Palestinian refugees in Jordan and there suffering, as well as the situation with the occupation in the West Bank’s refugees camps.

The tragic situation of Palestinian refugees in this multi-geographic areas imposes a response movement from UNRWA, the responsible international agency in first place, but any monitoring on the UNRWA’s operations will conclude that it has some mysterious role if considering the good intentions apart from any conspiracy theory.

We are forced, by these steps that run contrary to the natural direction of response, to have a different reading of this approach carried out by institution established to Relief these refugees and find them work until they return to the homes from which they were expelled by massacres and terrorism.

Step by step policy implemented by UNRWA, which means to leave the refugee for a period of time to become familiar with the consequences of each step, it goes on to the next move, in a gradual manner, so that the ultimate goal is not to be declared at once. This became a convertible and revealed strategy which can’t deceive the Palestinian refugee anymore, and it shouldn’t. This has been shown up in the camps reactions in Lebanon to the last move of the UNRWA, this should continue and be developed, and not limited to Lebanon, within a well-designed steps suits the consequences of UNRWA decisions and its negative impacts on their reality, it’s no longer acceptable to rely on a temporary solutions and painkillers, just like the Panadol, almost the only treatment refugees get in UNRWA s clinics.

The case of the collective awareness of our people in different places of what is being plotted against them require a special kind of harmony from the Palestinian decision-makers without delay or hesitation. Otherwise, it is considered a throwback and a decline worth questioning and requires a firm stand, because the target is to eliminate the right of return to Palestinian, the essence of the Palestinian cause and its basic title, through striking elements of the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in their camps and converting them into repellent environments, so the refugee become ready and willing to migrate.


* Writer and Palestinian journalist

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