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AGPS: 693 Palestinian Refugees Died in Syria on 2014, 461 of them Died in the First Half, and 262 Died in the Second Half.

Published : 20-01-2015

AGPS: 693 Palestinian Refugees Died in Syria on 2014, 461 of them Died in the First Half, and 262 Died in the Second Half.

Monitoring and documentation team in the AGPS revealed that "693" Palestinian refugees died in Syria on 2014, including "461" victim died in the first half, and "262" in the second half.

The group pointed out that during the first half of 2014, 461 Palestinian refugees in Syria died, including 219 in the Yarmouk refugee camp, 23 in Damascus and its suburbs, 10 refugees from Al Aedein camp in Homs, 16 from Khan Al Sheih camp, 26 from Deraa camp, 8 from Jaramana camp, 15 refugees from Muzeireeb town, 8 from Adra area in Damascus suburb, 6  from Al Neirab camp, 6 from Al Raml camp in Latakia, 3 refugees from Al Aedein camp in Homs,5 from  Khan Dannun camp, 5 from Handarat camp, and 3 from  Al Husseneia  camp.

The monitoring and documentation team of the AGPS documented the names of 262 Palestinian refugees, who died in the second half of 2014, (78) from the Yarmouk refugee camp and Al Hajar Al Aswad area an average of, 75 victims inside the Yarmouk camp, and three in Al Hajar Al Aswad, as (30) refugees died in Damascus and its suburbs.

The group showed that the number of Palestinian refugees who have died because of the continued war in Syria has reached "2606" victim.

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Monitoring and documentation team in the AGPS revealed that "693" Palestinian refugees died in Syria on 2014, including "461" victim died in the first half, and "262" in the second half.

The group pointed out that during the first half of 2014, 461 Palestinian refugees in Syria died, including 219 in the Yarmouk refugee camp, 23 in Damascus and its suburbs, 10 refugees from Al Aedein camp in Homs, 16 from Khan Al Sheih camp, 26 from Deraa camp, 8 from Jaramana camp, 15 refugees from Muzeireeb town, 8 from Adra area in Damascus suburb, 6  from Al Neirab camp, 6 from Al Raml camp in Latakia, 3 refugees from Al Aedein camp in Homs,5 from  Khan Dannun camp, 5 from Handarat camp, and 3 from  Al Husseneia  camp.

The monitoring and documentation team of the AGPS documented the names of 262 Palestinian refugees, who died in the second half of 2014, (78) from the Yarmouk refugee camp and Al Hajar Al Aswad area an average of, 75 victims inside the Yarmouk camp, and three in Al Hajar Al Aswad, as (30) refugees died in Damascus and its suburbs.

The group showed that the number of Palestinian refugees who have died because of the continued war in Syria has reached "2606" victim.

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