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Palestinians of Syria...Presence with Absence Taste?!

Published : 22-01-2015

Palestinians of Syria...Presence with Absence Taste?!

Maher Shawish

After almost four years of the Syrian crises, 2500 martyrs, thousands of wounded, in addition to hundreds of detainees and kidnapped of the Palestinians of Syria, a huge mass destruction of houses and properties in the Palestinian camps and compounds, and thousands of displaced people, yet, the Palestinians of Syria file is still "carefully neglected", the most precise description to the reality of the Palestinian decision makers dealing in the first place. As well as all concerned parties of this category of our people, wither within the national or Arabic, Islamic, and even the national frame, as these frames are representing political, legal, and humanitarian references.

In terms of the national level, the interest of the Palestinian people was supposed to be the first priority, while the interest of all Palestinian factions should be neutralized, at least within this file, especially after the difficulty of finding an initiative or solution regarding the contrast of the Palestinian faction view towards the Syrian crises, since each faction has its own view based on its local and regional, even international alliances and relations.

However, since this standard was not considered, all attempts, which were originally weak and backward, have gone with the winds, and the only losers were the Palestinians of Syria.

In terms of Arabic and Islamic level, the countries that come under this frame have neglected the suffering of the Palestinians of Syria, since they closed their borders, turned the deaf ear, and refused to see or hear the moan of the children, the groan of the wounded, or even the rumble of those who starved to death, or those who were buried in an ice grave.

The civilized world refused to receive the Palestinians of Syria, but those who survived the death boats or the sharks and whales, in addition to those who died and buried in the European cemeteries after they were expelled by the sands of “Biladol Orb Awtani", "Arab Countries our homelands".

In terms of the determination of responsibilities and consequences, everyone is responsible and no one is immune, not by a perspective of generalization or mystification, since the responsibility degrees are irregular, each according to what they provide and what they don’t provide. The responsibility degrees are also irregular according to the ability of each party of interference and solutions, and according to its relations and potentials, as well as its significance on the conflict parties, therefore, the most important responsibility became permanent of the PLO, that claims to be the only and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people at homeland and Diaspora.

Claiming of being the only and legitimate means the commitment to all issues of those people and their concerns through thick and thin, in gain and loss, and in prosperity and adversity.

The Palestinians of Syria issue exists in the political bazars only for Special interests and internal bickering and unethical competition to earn the satisfaction of the former bitterest enemies and opponents, however, the issue doesn’t exist in the relief and humanitarian side in the recruitment of international relations to find exits and equitable solutions.

The issue presence was also active in the failed attempts to pass suspicious projects and transactions to drop the right of return in exchange for deliberately ignoring, and to the absence of a clear party in preserving the rights and adhering the constants within the rounds of negotiations.

There is no doubt that the game of presence and absence was not limited to the PLO, it was also mastered by the UNRWA and some other parties which are concerned with the relief and humanitarian side, which were using the Palestinians of Syria issue in order to collect donations and to launch appeals and cries. Meanwhile, the absence was clear and obvious at the supporting programs, of whatever scope, which was applied to the Palestinians of Syria, wherever they are.

Presence with absence taste, bitter reality, more than half million Palestinian refugees had to undergo, which will remain a stain on the entire humanity and the advocates of civilized world and human rights, and will add shame and disgrace to their records!?.

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Maher Shawish

After almost four years of the Syrian crises, 2500 martyrs, thousands of wounded, in addition to hundreds of detainees and kidnapped of the Palestinians of Syria, a huge mass destruction of houses and properties in the Palestinian camps and compounds, and thousands of displaced people, yet, the Palestinians of Syria file is still "carefully neglected", the most precise description to the reality of the Palestinian decision makers dealing in the first place. As well as all concerned parties of this category of our people, wither within the national or Arabic, Islamic, and even the national frame, as these frames are representing political, legal, and humanitarian references.

In terms of the national level, the interest of the Palestinian people was supposed to be the first priority, while the interest of all Palestinian factions should be neutralized, at least within this file, especially after the difficulty of finding an initiative or solution regarding the contrast of the Palestinian faction view towards the Syrian crises, since each faction has its own view based on its local and regional, even international alliances and relations.

However, since this standard was not considered, all attempts, which were originally weak and backward, have gone with the winds, and the only losers were the Palestinians of Syria.

In terms of Arabic and Islamic level, the countries that come under this frame have neglected the suffering of the Palestinians of Syria, since they closed their borders, turned the deaf ear, and refused to see or hear the moan of the children, the groan of the wounded, or even the rumble of those who starved to death, or those who were buried in an ice grave.

The civilized world refused to receive the Palestinians of Syria, but those who survived the death boats or the sharks and whales, in addition to those who died and buried in the European cemeteries after they were expelled by the sands of “Biladol Orb Awtani", "Arab Countries our homelands".

In terms of the determination of responsibilities and consequences, everyone is responsible and no one is immune, not by a perspective of generalization or mystification, since the responsibility degrees are irregular, each according to what they provide and what they don’t provide. The responsibility degrees are also irregular according to the ability of each party of interference and solutions, and according to its relations and potentials, as well as its significance on the conflict parties, therefore, the most important responsibility became permanent of the PLO, that claims to be the only and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people at homeland and Diaspora.

Claiming of being the only and legitimate means the commitment to all issues of those people and their concerns through thick and thin, in gain and loss, and in prosperity and adversity.

The Palestinians of Syria issue exists in the political bazars only for Special interests and internal bickering and unethical competition to earn the satisfaction of the former bitterest enemies and opponents, however, the issue doesn’t exist in the relief and humanitarian side in the recruitment of international relations to find exits and equitable solutions.

The issue presence was also active in the failed attempts to pass suspicious projects and transactions to drop the right of return in exchange for deliberately ignoring, and to the absence of a clear party in preserving the rights and adhering the constants within the rounds of negotiations.

There is no doubt that the game of presence and absence was not limited to the PLO, it was also mastered by the UNRWA and some other parties which are concerned with the relief and humanitarian side, which were using the Palestinians of Syria issue in order to collect donations and to launch appeals and cries. Meanwhile, the absence was clear and obvious at the supporting programs, of whatever scope, which was applied to the Palestinians of Syria, wherever they are.

Presence with absence taste, bitter reality, more than half million Palestinian refugees had to undergo, which will remain a stain on the entire humanity and the advocates of civilized world and human rights, and will add shame and disgrace to their records!?.

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