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Intensive Course for the Palestinians of Syria Student at Nahr Al Barid Camp

Published : 04-05-2016

Intensive Course for the Palestinians of Syria Student at Nahr Al Barid Camp

In Lebanon, the Palestinians of Syria Teachers League, in cooperation with the Students' Committee of the Palestinians of Syria Committee in Lebanon, carried out an intensive course for the ninth grade students who were displaced at Nahr Al Barid camp in Tripoli city South of Lebanon, the course will include scientific materials (math-physics-chemistry-science-English). 

It is noteworthy that the number of Palestinian Syrian families who were displaced at Nahr Al Bared camp south of Lebanon has reached 350 families out of 12,000 Palestinian Syrian families have fled to Lebanon in order to escape the ongoing war in Syria.

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In Lebanon, the Palestinians of Syria Teachers League, in cooperation with the Students' Committee of the Palestinians of Syria Committee in Lebanon, carried out an intensive course for the ninth grade students who were displaced at Nahr Al Barid camp in Tripoli city South of Lebanon, the course will include scientific materials (math-physics-chemistry-science-English). 

It is noteworthy that the number of Palestinian Syrian families who were displaced at Nahr Al Bared camp south of Lebanon has reached 350 families out of 12,000 Palestinian Syrian families have fled to Lebanon in order to escape the ongoing war in Syria.

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