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ISIS Controls the Big Part of Yarmouk Camp South of Damascus

Published : 21-04-2016

ISIS Controls the Big Part of Yarmouk Camp South of Damascus

News from the Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugees insured that ISIS controlled wide areas of the camp after the expulsion of Al Nusra front from many locations. According to an activist that some members delivered themselves to ISIS and the others left to Yelda town, where the remaining fighters were besieged in Al Rija square, Yarmouk Court, Shaker Playground area, Al Yaman compound, and Masbah Al Basel.  

ISIS and Al Nusra were controlling about 70% of the Yarmouk camp before their conflict due to the agreement between ISIS and the Regular Army which states the withdrawal of ISIS from the southern area to the north of Syria. It is mentioned that Al Nusra objected the agreement and carried out a military show insuring remaining in Yarmouk and not leaving the camp.

The Yarmouk Camp, which is besiege by the Regular Army Forces since 2013, suffer from a sharp shortage of food materials and medicines that caused the death of 186 refugees; the population declined from 220000, before the warplane bombing in 2012, to about 18000, and then to 6000 after the invasion of ISIS to the camp on 1/04/2015.

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News from the Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugees insured that ISIS controlled wide areas of the camp after the expulsion of Al Nusra front from many locations. According to an activist that some members delivered themselves to ISIS and the others left to Yelda town, where the remaining fighters were besieged in Al Rija square, Yarmouk Court, Shaker Playground area, Al Yaman compound, and Masbah Al Basel.  

ISIS and Al Nusra were controlling about 70% of the Yarmouk camp before their conflict due to the agreement between ISIS and the Regular Army which states the withdrawal of ISIS from the southern area to the north of Syria. It is mentioned that Al Nusra objected the agreement and carried out a military show insuring remaining in Yarmouk and not leaving the camp.

The Yarmouk Camp, which is besiege by the Regular Army Forces since 2013, suffer from a sharp shortage of food materials and medicines that caused the death of 186 refugees; the population declined from 220000, before the warplane bombing in 2012, to about 18000, and then to 6000 after the invasion of ISIS to the camp on 1/04/2015.

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