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The AGPS reissued a documentary report "Khan Al Shieh Camp under Fire"

Published : 14-05-2016

The AGPS reissued a documentary report "Khan Al Shieh Camp under Fire"

The AGPS issued a documentary report about the actions of violence take place at Khan Al Shieh camp for Palestinian refugees from March 2011 till 15 July 2015.

The report was mainly based on field documentation through a group of correspondents and eye witnesses of the residents of Khan Al Shieh camp in order to reveal all facts of the general conditions of refugees.

The report consists of 5 main chapters; the first chapter was about a profile of the camp in terms of location, area, borders, and demographics in an illustrative step about the camp's Location from the city of Damascus and the surrounding areas, in addition to the importance of this chapter to understanding the causes of violence along to the camp later.

The second chapter is an explanation of the circumstances that have made the camp, in a stage of the Syrian Revolution, a safe haven for thousands of displaced people from neighboring areas that witnessed acts of hostilities; such as Yarmouk, Sbeina, Al Sayeda Zainab, Daria, Al Maadameia, and the rest of towns and cities in Syria. The second chapter also addressed the popular and the civil work institutions interaction with the plight of displaced people pointing that the camp received approximately (15433) displaced people, equivalent to (3153) families, who were received inside local homes and shelters that opened specially for them.

In the third and fourth chapter, the researcher explains the development of events that put the camp in the middle of the storm despite the strong desire of residents to maintain the camp as neutral, as they stated in many appeals.  

The report also referred the most important reasons for the acceleration of events and the crisis that affected the camp such as the entry of thousands of displaced people in mid-2012, the intensification of fighting in the vicinity of the camp, documenting several cases of arrests, and assassinations, putting checkpoints in the middle of the camp, incursions, kidnappings and mutual kidnappings, and other reasons that led later to the beginning of displacement from the camp to safer areas. Numbers of residents have decreased to nearly 12 000 compared to 21,907 refugees according to UNRWA statistics in 2012.

Meanwhile, medical cadres and actors have migrated, as well as the partial siege that forced residents to enter and leave the camp through one road exposed to sniping and shelling every now and then by the Syrian Regime forces. Tens of victims died while passing through this road, to the extent that they called it death road, which resulted in deteriorated health, living, and educational conditions, as residents witnessed severe violations amounting to war crimes.

The fifth chapter was about statistics and detailed figures about the detainees and victims from Khan Al Shieh camp both temporally and spatially according the most common reasons that led to death.  The report documented 113 detainees; including (38) detainees who were released later after various periods of detention. The total number of victims from Khan Al Shieh camp since the outbreak of violence in Syria on 15  March 2011 until 15 July 2015 has reached (137) Palestinian refugees, including (59) refugees who died due to bombardment, (28) refugees died by gunshot, and (22) refugees died due to torture.

The report monitored the most prominent bloody phases witnessed by the camp during the studied period, in addition to the official and popular interaction with the camp, as well as media campaigns and civil appeals to neutralize the camp and lift the siege.

Maps and explanatory photos, that show the camp's location and the threats that face it by the surrounding areas, were also included within the report, which was issued by the AGPS special reports and studies department, in addition to information and field eye witnesses.

The report documented events took place at Khan Al Shieh camp from 15 March 2011 till 15 July 2015.  


To download the report  click here

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The AGPS issued a documentary report about the actions of violence take place at Khan Al Shieh camp for Palestinian refugees from March 2011 till 15 July 2015.

The report was mainly based on field documentation through a group of correspondents and eye witnesses of the residents of Khan Al Shieh camp in order to reveal all facts of the general conditions of refugees.

The report consists of 5 main chapters; the first chapter was about a profile of the camp in terms of location, area, borders, and demographics in an illustrative step about the camp's Location from the city of Damascus and the surrounding areas, in addition to the importance of this chapter to understanding the causes of violence along to the camp later.

The second chapter is an explanation of the circumstances that have made the camp, in a stage of the Syrian Revolution, a safe haven for thousands of displaced people from neighboring areas that witnessed acts of hostilities; such as Yarmouk, Sbeina, Al Sayeda Zainab, Daria, Al Maadameia, and the rest of towns and cities in Syria. The second chapter also addressed the popular and the civil work institutions interaction with the plight of displaced people pointing that the camp received approximately (15433) displaced people, equivalent to (3153) families, who were received inside local homes and shelters that opened specially for them.

In the third and fourth chapter, the researcher explains the development of events that put the camp in the middle of the storm despite the strong desire of residents to maintain the camp as neutral, as they stated in many appeals.  

The report also referred the most important reasons for the acceleration of events and the crisis that affected the camp such as the entry of thousands of displaced people in mid-2012, the intensification of fighting in the vicinity of the camp, documenting several cases of arrests, and assassinations, putting checkpoints in the middle of the camp, incursions, kidnappings and mutual kidnappings, and other reasons that led later to the beginning of displacement from the camp to safer areas. Numbers of residents have decreased to nearly 12 000 compared to 21,907 refugees according to UNRWA statistics in 2012.

Meanwhile, medical cadres and actors have migrated, as well as the partial siege that forced residents to enter and leave the camp through one road exposed to sniping and shelling every now and then by the Syrian Regime forces. Tens of victims died while passing through this road, to the extent that they called it death road, which resulted in deteriorated health, living, and educational conditions, as residents witnessed severe violations amounting to war crimes.

The fifth chapter was about statistics and detailed figures about the detainees and victims from Khan Al Shieh camp both temporally and spatially according the most common reasons that led to death.  The report documented 113 detainees; including (38) detainees who were released later after various periods of detention. The total number of victims from Khan Al Shieh camp since the outbreak of violence in Syria on 15  March 2011 until 15 July 2015 has reached (137) Palestinian refugees, including (59) refugees who died due to bombardment, (28) refugees died by gunshot, and (22) refugees died due to torture.

The report monitored the most prominent bloody phases witnessed by the camp during the studied period, in addition to the official and popular interaction with the camp, as well as media campaigns and civil appeals to neutralize the camp and lift the siege.

Maps and explanatory photos, that show the camp's location and the threats that face it by the surrounding areas, were also included within the report, which was issued by the AGPS special reports and studies department, in addition to information and field eye witnesses.

The report documented events took place at Khan Al Shieh camp from 15 March 2011 till 15 July 2015.  


To download the report  click here

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