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The AGPS Warns of the Siege and the Continuous Targeting of Palestinian Refugees in Khan Al Shieh Camp.

Published : 17-05-2016

The AGPS Warns of the Siege and the Continuous Targeting of Palestinian Refugees in Khan Al Shieh Camp.

The Syrian regime artillery and warplanes targeted Khan Al Shieh camp, which is located in the western suburb of Damascus, from time to time to fierce attacks by all types of bombardment. Closing roads resulted in suffocating siege that threatens the lives of more than ten thousand Palestinian refugees inside the camp who had refused to flee from their homes, despite the death of 157 victims and hundreds of injuries. The Syrian regime deliberately harasses the Palestinian refugees since the beginning of protest actions against the Syrian regime in March 2011.

Accordingly, the AGPS condemns the ongoing assaults against Khan Al Shieh camp, and warns of the catastrophic consequences for that deliberate targeting. The AGPS calls the Syrian official authorities and the armed opposition to neutralize the camp and to stop hostilities against civilian refugees immediately. In addition, the AGPS demands to open roads leading to the camp and to allow the entry of supplies, basic materials, medicines, and baby milk, to respect the Palestinian presence in Syria as a temporary presence, and to activate implementing the international conventions that call for the protection of population during internal armed conflicts.  

The AGPS also demands the International community, especially UNRWA, to secure the required protection for Palestinian refugees inside Syria, enable the relief and medical cadres to reach the camp, and to take the necessary measures in order to rescue the rest of the Palestinian camps.

The AGPS calls the Arab League and the Palestinian Authority to intervene with the conflict parties in Syria to stop the severe violations against Palestinian refugees inside camps in order to avoid the loss of more civilian lives.

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The Syrian regime artillery and warplanes targeted Khan Al Shieh camp, which is located in the western suburb of Damascus, from time to time to fierce attacks by all types of bombardment. Closing roads resulted in suffocating siege that threatens the lives of more than ten thousand Palestinian refugees inside the camp who had refused to flee from their homes, despite the death of 157 victims and hundreds of injuries. The Syrian regime deliberately harasses the Palestinian refugees since the beginning of protest actions against the Syrian regime in March 2011.

Accordingly, the AGPS condemns the ongoing assaults against Khan Al Shieh camp, and warns of the catastrophic consequences for that deliberate targeting. The AGPS calls the Syrian official authorities and the armed opposition to neutralize the camp and to stop hostilities against civilian refugees immediately. In addition, the AGPS demands to open roads leading to the camp and to allow the entry of supplies, basic materials, medicines, and baby milk, to respect the Palestinian presence in Syria as a temporary presence, and to activate implementing the international conventions that call for the protection of population during internal armed conflicts.  

The AGPS also demands the International community, especially UNRWA, to secure the required protection for Palestinian refugees inside Syria, enable the relief and medical cadres to reach the camp, and to take the necessary measures in order to rescue the rest of the Palestinian camps.

The AGPS calls the Arab League and the Palestinian Authority to intervene with the conflict parties in Syria to stop the severe violations against Palestinian refugees inside camps in order to avoid the loss of more civilian lives.

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