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A Palestinian Syrian Refugee Discusses the Master's Thesis through Skype after being Prevented from Entering Lebanon

Published : 09-05-2016

A Palestinian Syrian Refugee Discusses the Master

The Palestinian Syrian refugee, Ahmed Al Shaaby, a student at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at the Islamic University in Lebanon, managed to obtain Master degree of Financial Management. He discussed the master's thesis, which is titled as (planning budgets and their role in monitoring and evaluation at industrial companies) and presented it to the arbitration commission through the Skype because the Lebanese authorities refused his entry for being Palestinian Syrian.

Ahmed Al Shaaby is from the Yarmouk camp; he resorted to Lebanon and enrolled at the Islamic University in Lebanon, then he had to move to Saudi Arabia with his family and searched for a job. He did not imagine of being prevented from returning back to Lebanon in order to resume study because he is a Palestinian Syrian refugee.

 He confirmed that he tried to visit Lebanon last April in order to discuss he thesis, yet the unfair laws issued by the Lebanese authorities, who prevent the entry of the Palestinian Syrian refugees, prevented him of resuming study. He also added that he contacted with Dr, Khawla Hashim, supervisor of his master thesis, and she had a great roll putting pressure at the university administration to allow him resenting the thesis through Skype.

The case of Al Shaaby reflects the suffering of the Palestinian Syrian refugees in Lebanon regarding education, work, and free of movement, in addition to the restrict entry into Lebanon.

 Some activists considered that the apparent absence of the Palestinian National references and the shortage of providing the necessary support for the Palestinian diaspora leaving them restricted to the harsh conditions in light of the absence or disable Arab legislation granting refugees the right to work and travel, contribute greatly to the growing emergence of calls from some young people to emigrate to Western countries and ride boats of death to search for countries to respect their humanity and treats them as citizens.

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The Palestinian Syrian refugee, Ahmed Al Shaaby, a student at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at the Islamic University in Lebanon, managed to obtain Master degree of Financial Management. He discussed the master's thesis, which is titled as (planning budgets and their role in monitoring and evaluation at industrial companies) and presented it to the arbitration commission through the Skype because the Lebanese authorities refused his entry for being Palestinian Syrian.

Ahmed Al Shaaby is from the Yarmouk camp; he resorted to Lebanon and enrolled at the Islamic University in Lebanon, then he had to move to Saudi Arabia with his family and searched for a job. He did not imagine of being prevented from returning back to Lebanon in order to resume study because he is a Palestinian Syrian refugee.

 He confirmed that he tried to visit Lebanon last April in order to discuss he thesis, yet the unfair laws issued by the Lebanese authorities, who prevent the entry of the Palestinian Syrian refugees, prevented him of resuming study. He also added that he contacted with Dr, Khawla Hashim, supervisor of his master thesis, and she had a great roll putting pressure at the university administration to allow him resenting the thesis through Skype.

The case of Al Shaaby reflects the suffering of the Palestinian Syrian refugees in Lebanon regarding education, work, and free of movement, in addition to the restrict entry into Lebanon.

 Some activists considered that the apparent absence of the Palestinian National references and the shortage of providing the necessary support for the Palestinian diaspora leaving them restricted to the harsh conditions in light of the absence or disable Arab legislation granting refugees the right to work and travel, contribute greatly to the growing emergence of calls from some young people to emigrate to Western countries and ride boats of death to search for countries to respect their humanity and treats them as citizens.

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