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A Palestinian Refugee from Yarmouk was Found Killed at Ain Al Hilwa Camp, Lebanon.

Published : 25-01-2015

A Palestinian Refugee from Yarmouk was Found Killed at Ain Al Hilwa Camp, Lebanon.

The Palestinian Syrian refugee "Ibrahem Al Handawi" was found killed by gunshots in a lane at Al Raas Al Ahmar neighborhood in Ain Al Hilwa camp, Lebanon. The security forces rushed immediately and started the investigations about his murder. News reported that the young man is 17 years, a Palestinian Syrian refugee from Syria and lives at Al Tawarea area at Ain Al Hilwa camp.

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The Palestinian Syrian refugee "Ibrahem Al Handawi" was found killed by gunshots in a lane at Al Raas Al Ahmar neighborhood in Ain Al Hilwa camp, Lebanon. The security forces rushed immediately and started the investigations about his murder. News reported that the young man is 17 years, a Palestinian Syrian refugee from Syria and lives at Al Tawarea area at Ain Al Hilwa camp.

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