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163 Palestinian Refugees Died Due to Siege and Lack of Medical Care in the Yarmouk Camp, Including 64 Died in the Same Month.

Published : 27-01-2015

163 Palestinian Refugees Died Due to Siege and Lack of Medical Care in the Yarmouk Camp, Including 64 Died in the Same Month.

The documentation team of the AGPS indicated that 163 people from the Yarmouk camp died due to siege and lack of medical care, 64 of them died in January 2014, while 6 refugees died since the beginning of 2015. It is mentioned that on 26th of January 2014, 7 refugees died out of starvation, they are: Mohammed Humaid Abdullah, the old man "SaedSalimIdreis", 66 years, the old man "Mohammed Husain Amayri", NijmaJomaaQuader, 66 years, Raefa Mohammed Quraeish, 50 years, the child "AbduljaleilKhamis", and RahmaAbidAlyan.

The siege of the regular army and the PFGC on the Yarmouk camp for 570 days respectively, and the stoppage of entering food aids for a month and a half, led to a lack of necessities of life and the loss of all food, medicine and baby milk. This was reflected in the physical and mental health aspect and forced the residents to return to stand in long queues to get small amounts of food and research in garbage containers for leftovers to ensure the continuation of their lives. In a telephone conversation with a resident inside the camp, he confirmed that the conditions inside are very tragic and heading to the declaration of a starvation, where the residents would rather die than being  afford to provide food for their children.

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The documentation team of the AGPS indicated that 163 people from the Yarmouk camp died due to siege and lack of medical care, 64 of them died in January 2014, while 6 refugees died since the beginning of 2015. It is mentioned that on 26th of January 2014, 7 refugees died out of starvation, they are: Mohammed Humaid Abdullah, the old man "SaedSalimIdreis", 66 years, the old man "Mohammed Husain Amayri", NijmaJomaaQuader, 66 years, Raefa Mohammed Quraeish, 50 years, the child "AbduljaleilKhamis", and RahmaAbidAlyan.

The siege of the regular army and the PFGC on the Yarmouk camp for 570 days respectively, and the stoppage of entering food aids for a month and a half, led to a lack of necessities of life and the loss of all food, medicine and baby milk. This was reflected in the physical and mental health aspect and forced the residents to return to stand in long queues to get small amounts of food and research in garbage containers for leftovers to ensure the continuation of their lives. In a telephone conversation with a resident inside the camp, he confirmed that the conditions inside are very tragic and heading to the declaration of a starvation, where the residents would rather die than being  afford to provide food for their children.

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