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A Child's Scream" a Protest for the Yarmouk Children to take the Siege Away.

Published : 30-01-2015

A Child

In the Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugees and under the title of " a Child Scream" ,Dozens of children were gathered in front of the Youth Support center in the schools street where the children raised banners demanding the officials and the Palestinian factions leaders to assume their responsibilities towards the camp residents, including a banner titled as a saying for prophet Mohammed " Peace be upon him" which is " Everyone is responsible for his people " and other protesters held banners titled as " Palestine Embassy, we wish to eat cake" as a signal for the ceremony that the embassy performed for the Fatah movement anniversary in one  of the Damascus restaurants some Kilometers far for the camp which increased the anger of the besieged residents. The Yarmouk residents lost about 163 people due to hunger and the lack of medical care because of the strict siege on the Yarmouk camp. The protestors also condemned the carelessness of the international organizations, human rights organizations and the UNRWA. It is mentioned that the protest came in light that the doctors in the camp insured the number of infected people with jaundice is 107 and most of them are children and old men.

It is mentioned that the Yarmouk camp is under a strict siege imposed by the Syrian army and the affiliated Palestinian groups for 573 days respectively. They prevent the entry of the food and medical aids in addition to the water and power cut.

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In the Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugees and under the title of " a Child Scream" ,Dozens of children were gathered in front of the Youth Support center in the schools street where the children raised banners demanding the officials and the Palestinian factions leaders to assume their responsibilities towards the camp residents, including a banner titled as a saying for prophet Mohammed " Peace be upon him" which is " Everyone is responsible for his people " and other protesters held banners titled as " Palestine Embassy, we wish to eat cake" as a signal for the ceremony that the embassy performed for the Fatah movement anniversary in one  of the Damascus restaurants some Kilometers far for the camp which increased the anger of the besieged residents. The Yarmouk residents lost about 163 people due to hunger and the lack of medical care because of the strict siege on the Yarmouk camp. The protestors also condemned the carelessness of the international organizations, human rights organizations and the UNRWA. It is mentioned that the protest came in light that the doctors in the camp insured the number of infected people with jaundice is 107 and most of them are children and old men.

It is mentioned that the Yarmouk camp is under a strict siege imposed by the Syrian army and the affiliated Palestinian groups for 573 days respectively. They prevent the entry of the food and medical aids in addition to the water and power cut.

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