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Fire Shooting Prevents the Urgent Aids Distribution to the Yarmouk Residents.

Published : 02-02-2015

Fire Shooting Prevents the Urgent Aids Distribution to the Yarmouk Residents.

The tensed security situation in the Yarmouk camp yesterday morning led to the suspension of distributing emergency aids, which were supposed to be distributed by Al Marhama 3 campaign. The distribution was suspended in spite of the arrival of trucks loaded with food to the gates of the camp, that was after clashes and sniping.

The Regular Army and Palestinian factions loyal to it and groups affiliated to the Syrian opposition recriminated those incidents that were repeated over the past few weeks, causing the stop of the entry of any aids about eight weeks ago.

In the same context, the AGPS received news, could not be ascertained of, reported that internal clashes broke out in the ranks of the Syrian opposition armed groups near Amer lubrication shop at Al Thalathein Street.

It is noteworthy that the regular army and PFGC groups impose a strict siege on the camp for more than 575 days, including 145 days without water, while the group documented (164) Palestinian victims died because of that siege.

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The tensed security situation in the Yarmouk camp yesterday morning led to the suspension of distributing emergency aids, which were supposed to be distributed by Al Marhama 3 campaign. The distribution was suspended in spite of the arrival of trucks loaded with food to the gates of the camp, that was after clashes and sniping.

The Regular Army and Palestinian factions loyal to it and groups affiliated to the Syrian opposition recriminated those incidents that were repeated over the past few weeks, causing the stop of the entry of any aids about eight weeks ago.

In the same context, the AGPS received news, could not be ascertained of, reported that internal clashes broke out in the ranks of the Syrian opposition armed groups near Amer lubrication shop at Al Thalathein Street.

It is noteworthy that the regular army and PFGC groups impose a strict siege on the camp for more than 575 days, including 145 days without water, while the group documented (164) Palestinian victims died because of that siege.

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