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Syrian and Russian Aircrafts Threaten More Than 12000 Civil Lives in Khan Al-Sheih

Published : 08-10-2016

Syrian and Russian Aircrafts Threaten More Than 12000 Civil Lives in Khan Al-Sheih

More than 12000 civilians including 3000 children live in Khan Al-sheih difficult humanitarian conditions; they are being bombed with explosive barrels, helicopters and mortars every day. Unfortunately, the situation is getting worse with a number of victims and injuries without medical care because of shelling hospitals and medical centers.

In the same context, Syrian regime helicopters' targeted the farms around the camp yesterday with two explosive barrels.

It comes amid closing all the connecting roads between the camp and the capital "Damascus" by Syrian regime barriers', which aggravates living and medical crises. Moreover, the camp witnessed violent raids yesterday leaving 3 victims and a number of casualties behind.

It's worth noting that AGPS had demanded in a previous statement the Syrian government to break the siege over the camp, open roads, and allow the medical personnel to enter the camp and provide poeple with needed medical care. It had also called the international community to achieve international peace and security, secure Palestinian refugees and enforce parties of the conflict to neutralize Palestinian camps since they are recognized as asylum centers according to UNRWA.

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More than 12000 civilians including 3000 children live in Khan Al-sheih difficult humanitarian conditions; they are being bombed with explosive barrels, helicopters and mortars every day. Unfortunately, the situation is getting worse with a number of victims and injuries without medical care because of shelling hospitals and medical centers.

In the same context, Syrian regime helicopters' targeted the farms around the camp yesterday with two explosive barrels.

It comes amid closing all the connecting roads between the camp and the capital "Damascus" by Syrian regime barriers', which aggravates living and medical crises. Moreover, the camp witnessed violent raids yesterday leaving 3 victims and a number of casualties behind.

It's worth noting that AGPS had demanded in a previous statement the Syrian government to break the siege over the camp, open roads, and allow the medical personnel to enter the camp and provide poeple with needed medical care. It had also called the international community to achieve international peace and security, secure Palestinian refugees and enforce parties of the conflict to neutralize Palestinian camps since they are recognized as asylum centers according to UNRWA.

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