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80% of structures in Handarat refugee camp reduced to rubble.

Published : 19-10-2016

80% of structures in Handarat refugee camp reduced to rubble.

In the north, preliminary ballpark figures on the latest round of warfare at the Handarat refugee camp reckoned that over 80% of Handarat structures  have been subject to total or partial destruction as a result of the heavy spates of projectiles and explosive barrels unleashed by the Syrian regime forces.  Meanwhile, simmering hit-and-run attacks between the pro-regime militias and the opposition forces have been taking place on and off in the area.

Live snapshots leaked from the camp mirrored the massive havoc wreaked on civilian homes. Armed opposition outfits were also forced to cede the floor to the regime squads and their paramilitary ally al-Quds Brigade.

At the same time, Palestinian refugees who have been dislocated from the frayed Handarat camp since 1,263 days sounded distress signals as they found themselves living rough on the streets after the armed opposition forces seized the camp. The put-out-of-place Palestinians have been struggling for survival in the midst of a calamitous situation. Such a tragic state of affairs has gone far worse after refugees received notifications to evacuate housing unit No. 9 near Aleppo university grounds.

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In the north, preliminary ballpark figures on the latest round of warfare at the Handarat refugee camp reckoned that over 80% of Handarat structures  have been subject to total or partial destruction as a result of the heavy spates of projectiles and explosive barrels unleashed by the Syrian regime forces.  Meanwhile, simmering hit-and-run attacks between the pro-regime militias and the opposition forces have been taking place on and off in the area.

Live snapshots leaked from the camp mirrored the massive havoc wreaked on civilian homes. Armed opposition outfits were also forced to cede the floor to the regime squads and their paramilitary ally al-Quds Brigade.

At the same time, Palestinian refugees who have been dislocated from the frayed Handarat camp since 1,263 days sounded distress signals as they found themselves living rough on the streets after the armed opposition forces seized the camp. The put-out-of-place Palestinians have been struggling for survival in the midst of a calamitous situation. Such a tragic state of affairs has gone far worse after refugees received notifications to evacuate housing unit No. 9 near Aleppo university grounds.

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