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AGPS: 33 Palestinian Refugees Died During January 2015 in Syria, Including 6 Due to Tortureز

Published : 04-02-2015

AGPS: 33 Palestinian Refugees Died During January 2015 in Syria, Including 6 Due to Tortureز

The AGPS monitoring and documentation team announced that "33" Palestinian refugees died during January 2015, including "6" people died in the Syrian regime's prisons due to torture, while "7" refugees died a result of the siege and the lack of medical care, "12" refugees died during clashes and shelling, "3" refugees died while trying to reach Europe, and "4" refugees for unknown reasons. Meanwhile, Al Nusra Front has executed the refugee, "Rashid Al Rabea", from the Yarmouk camp and lives at Moroccan street, in charges of cursing the name of God.

The AGPS clarified that the number of Palestinian refugees who died because of the continued war in Syria has reached "2629" victims.

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The AGPS monitoring and documentation team announced that "33" Palestinian refugees died during January 2015, including "6" people died in the Syrian regime's prisons due to torture, while "7" refugees died a result of the siege and the lack of medical care, "12" refugees died during clashes and shelling, "3" refugees died while trying to reach Europe, and "4" refugees for unknown reasons. Meanwhile, Al Nusra Front has executed the refugee, "Rashid Al Rabea", from the Yarmouk camp and lives at Moroccan street, in charges of cursing the name of God.

The AGPS clarified that the number of Palestinian refugees who died because of the continued war in Syria has reached "2629" victims.

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