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Palestinian refugee killed while fighting alongside Syrian regime troops

Published : 06-11-2016

Palestinian refugee killed while fighting alongside Syrian regime troops

Youngster Mohamed Adel Al-Dames, sheltered in the Sbiena Camp for Palestinian refugees, was killed while fighting alongside the Syrian regime army in unabated hostilities with the opposition outfits in Khan Al-Shih, in Damascus western outskirts.

Several Palestinian refugees were killed as they stood as bulletproof vests for the Syrian regime militias during bloody hostilities with the opposition squads.

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Youngster Mohamed Adel Al-Dames, sheltered in the Sbiena Camp for Palestinian refugees, was killed while fighting alongside the Syrian regime army in unabated hostilities with the opposition outfits in Khan Al-Shih, in Damascus western outskirts.

Several Palestinian refugees were killed as they stood as bulletproof vests for the Syrian regime militias during bloody hostilities with the opposition squads.

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