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Air Raids Rock Khan Al-Sheih’s Eastern Neighborhood in Damascus Suburbs

Published : 17-11-2016

Air Raids Rock Khan Al-Sheih’s Eastern Neighborhood in Damascus Suburbs

The Syrian and Russian fighter aircrafts at dawn Wednesday struck the eastern neighborhood of Khan Al-Sheih Camp for Palestinian refugees, in Western Damascus outskirts, with vacuum missiles, resulting in remarkable material damage.

Over recent weeks, Khan Al-Sheih Camp and its adjacent ranches have been subjected to heavy blitzing by the Russian warplanes using phosphorus incendiary grenades and cluster bombs. Offensives on local schools, mosques, and on the Al-Alsalam Hospital took away the lives of several civilians, including women and children, and wreaked havoc on civilian homes.

AGPS reporter has also sounded alarm bells over the tragic humanitarian situation in the camp after refugees had run out of food, bread, and water due to the tough blockade imposed by the regime militias for 48 days running, despite the disarmed nature of the camp.

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The Syrian and Russian fighter aircrafts at dawn Wednesday struck the eastern neighborhood of Khan Al-Sheih Camp for Palestinian refugees, in Western Damascus outskirts, with vacuum missiles, resulting in remarkable material damage.

Over recent weeks, Khan Al-Sheih Camp and its adjacent ranches have been subjected to heavy blitzing by the Russian warplanes using phosphorus incendiary grenades and cluster bombs. Offensives on local schools, mosques, and on the Al-Alsalam Hospital took away the lives of several civilians, including women and children, and wreaked havoc on civilian homes.

AGPS reporter has also sounded alarm bells over the tragic humanitarian situation in the camp after refugees had run out of food, bread, and water due to the tough blockade imposed by the regime militias for 48 days running, despite the disarmed nature of the camp.

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