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Blockade mars life of Palestinian refugee family after mother gives birth to triplets

Published : 25-11-2016

Blockade mars life of Palestinian refugee family after mother gives birth to triplets

The blockade on Al-Muzeireeb refugee community marred the joy felt by al-Rabi’ family after the mother gave birth to triplets—Ayssar, Ali, and Abdullah. The mother was hospitalized for 10 days in the local underequipped clinic after she had been diagnosed with renal insufficiency due to a severe hemorrhage infecting her vulnerable body right after the labor and delivery process.

The father, himself torn from the nourishment of home, launched cries for help, saying that he has been earning less than $1 a day. He spoke out against the tragic upshots of the blockade and the striking upsurge in food prices along with the lack of aids from UNRWA and charities.

He added that he has found enormous difficulties securing the daily milk flagon to feed his newly-born triplets after it has reached up to 3,000 Syrian Liras in government-led areas.

Palestinian refugees taking shelter in Deraa, Al-Muzeireeb, Gilin, Tel Shihab, and other areas have been subjected to dire living conditions due to the raging warfare.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse due to the lack of medical care. According to AGPS correspondent, Deraa camp has been bereaved of all its hospitals, clinics, first-aid equipment, and ambulances.

Activists warned of the swift propagation of deadly infections and syndromes due to the contaminated water they have been forced to drink as a result of the water cut going on for 958 days running.

Local activists attributed the exacerbated situation in southern Syria to the tough blockade imposed by the Syrian Regular Amy and the abrupt offensives on local hospitals, forcing medics and paramedics to give up their jobs.

Rampant clashes between armed opposition groups and ISIS militias have also blocked civilians’ movement inside and out. The Jordanian authorities prevented Palestinians from Syria to receive medical treatment in Jordan, forcing a number of refugees to pose as Syrian nationals.

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The blockade on Al-Muzeireeb refugee community marred the joy felt by al-Rabi’ family after the mother gave birth to triplets—Ayssar, Ali, and Abdullah. The mother was hospitalized for 10 days in the local underequipped clinic after she had been diagnosed with renal insufficiency due to a severe hemorrhage infecting her vulnerable body right after the labor and delivery process.

The father, himself torn from the nourishment of home, launched cries for help, saying that he has been earning less than $1 a day. He spoke out against the tragic upshots of the blockade and the striking upsurge in food prices along with the lack of aids from UNRWA and charities.

He added that he has found enormous difficulties securing the daily milk flagon to feed his newly-born triplets after it has reached up to 3,000 Syrian Liras in government-led areas.

Palestinian refugees taking shelter in Deraa, Al-Muzeireeb, Gilin, Tel Shihab, and other areas have been subjected to dire living conditions due to the raging warfare.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse due to the lack of medical care. According to AGPS correspondent, Deraa camp has been bereaved of all its hospitals, clinics, first-aid equipment, and ambulances.

Activists warned of the swift propagation of deadly infections and syndromes due to the contaminated water they have been forced to drink as a result of the water cut going on for 958 days running.

Local activists attributed the exacerbated situation in southern Syria to the tough blockade imposed by the Syrian Regular Amy and the abrupt offensives on local hospitals, forcing medics and paramedics to give up their jobs.

Rampant clashes between armed opposition groups and ISIS militias have also blocked civilians’ movement inside and out. The Jordanian authorities prevented Palestinians from Syria to receive medical treatment in Jordan, forcing a number of refugees to pose as Syrian nationals.

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