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Hundreds of Civilians, Activists, Refugee Families Sheltered at Khan Al-Sheih Camp Deported to Idlib

Published : 01-12-2016

Hundreds of Civilians, Activists, Refugee Families Sheltered at Khan Al-Sheih Camp Deported to Idlib

Hundreds of civilians, activists, and reporters, along with their families and children, headed to Idlib, in northern Syria, after they were forced out of their shelters in Khan Al-Sheih Camp for Palestinian refugees.

The move came as the first bonds of a deal between the Syrian government forces and the opposition battalions were put into effect.

Over recent weeks, the Syrian government army heavily struck Khan Al-Sheih camp with internationally banned weapons and closed off all access roads out of and into the shelter, resulting in acute dearth in food and medicines.

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Hundreds of civilians, activists, and reporters, along with their families and children, headed to Idlib, in northern Syria, after they were forced out of their shelters in Khan Al-Sheih Camp for Palestinian refugees.

The move came as the first bonds of a deal between the Syrian government forces and the opposition battalions were put into effect.

Over recent weeks, the Syrian government army heavily struck Khan Al-Sheih camp with internationally banned weapons and closed off all access roads out of and into the shelter, resulting in acute dearth in food and medicines.

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