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Palestinians of Syria in Sweden are in solidarity with their people in the Palestinian Refugee Camps in Syria.

Published : 08-02-2015

Palestinians of Syria in Sweden are in solidarity with their people in the Palestinian Refugee Camps in Syria.

Dozens of Palestinian and Syrian refugees in Vigo, Sweden have organized a solidarity sit-in with the residents of the Palestinian camps in Syria, especially with the Yarmouk camp residents, where the students, who were gathered according a call from the movement of Save the Palestinians of Syria, demanded to end the Yarmouk siege and to secure a safe path to the refugees who wanted to get out of the camp.

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Dozens of Palestinian and Syrian refugees in Vigo, Sweden have organized a solidarity sit-in with the residents of the Palestinian camps in Syria, especially with the Yarmouk camp residents, where the students, who were gathered according a call from the movement of Save the Palestinians of Syria, demanded to end the Yarmouk siege and to secure a safe path to the refugees who wanted to get out of the camp.

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